Hi! Let me introduce you to "Iggy" (a.k.a. Jeremy). Iggy and his wife Lori live in Calfornia. He is the one who did that nasty little extra page on me! hehehe. Good thing he is a dear friend or I'd have to hurt him for that... Iggy designs webpages for a living and his spare time is devoted to his "pride and joy" Sierra.... Meet the beautiful and whimsical Sierra below....

This is Iggy with his beautiful daughter Sierra when she was only 3 1/2 weeks old... awwwww

The lovely Sierra

Iggy dancin his heart out!

Iggy trying his best to be sexy!

Like our shades? Sierra, mommy and daddy!

To see more of Sweet Sierra just click on her name... The pics are a must see so be sure you take a peek!

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