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For those who choose not to use the guide who frames these hallways, click below to hear a most wondrous tune.

Hotel California

Excuse the mess, but some browsers have problems with the java scripting above.

If you are using MSIE 3.2, Netscape 4.0 or higher, it should work without a problem. Anything below that level might not view the image changes.

If you do not have MSIE 3.2 or higher, let me explain what really happens with this script. As you move your mouse over each crystal, they light up and at the same time the mirror changes to show a differnt image. Sorry you couldn't see it, but all of the links should work without a problem.

Note: Most of the mirrors in this navigation theme will give you a glimpse into the works of some of my favorite artists.

Secondary Navigation

[Quests] [Ice Shard] [Gallery] [Books]

[Games] [Poetry] [Chat] [Dorel] [Links] [Webrings]

[Schim Schimmel] [Awards] [Submit for Award] [Virtual Cards]

Doth thou wish to display a portal to this realm?

Click Here!

Click on the graphic above to e-mail me.

Note: Please do not steal any graphics from this site. If you do so you may force me to take drastic actions due to some of them being under my personal copyright. I do not make claim to all of the graphics on this website, many are graphics I have found in free web galleries and are by famous artists.

All graphics located in my gallery (to my knowledge) are free for you to display on your webpages or desktop as long as they are not being used for commercial purposes, and as long as you do not abuse the copyright by claiming them as your own. If you would like to use a graphic located on one of my other pages please e-mail me.

**Note: Recently I have recieved an e-mail accusing my of claiming other peoples graphics as being my own. I do NOT make claim to many/most of the graphics on my webpage or in my gallery, there are a few graphics that I do make claim to though. Many of the graphics displayed on my pages are those that I have found and enjoyed. Please do not misunderstand my purpose. I have never told anyone that any graphic that belonged to someone else was my own. I appologize to anyone who thinks otherwise.**

If you are needing any graphic work for your site, please contact me I will be happy to help to the best of my abilities. I would also be happy to help you with any html coding you are having problems with.