Star of the Guardians

By Margaret Weis

Book 1: The Lost King

Book 2: King's Test

Book 3: King's Sacrifice

Book 4: Ghost Legion

Ghost Legion (Book 4)

Young Dion Starfire is the ruler of a galaxy that is finally at peace after years of strife and bloodshed. Yet the peace is an uneasy one. Dion has fallen desperately in love with a woman who is not his queen, and suddenly the fragile alliances that rest on his marriage are threatened. Then the real violence erupts as an illegitimate son of the dead king, in hiding on a forgotten planet, plots Dion's overthrow. At his command is an army of unseen "ghosts" - alien presences that can roam the galaxy and kill at will.

Dion must turn to an old mento and enemy, Derek Sagan, as the one man who can help him battle the bastard prince and his dark minions. And at Derek's side hovers the powerful, shadowy presence of his lost love, Lady Maigrey. If Dion can only win her aid, he may have one last chance to preserve his throne - and peace for the galaxy.

Excerpt from back of book...

Remarkable series. I wish I could give you an excerpts from each of the books, but I only own the last; the others were borrowed from a friend. Margaret Weis did a wonderful job on these books, get ready for thrills, adventure and romance, but also be wary of disappointments and sadness... A truly emotional series that pulls at the spirit...


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Book #1 - The Lost King

Book #2 - King's Test

Book #3 - King's Sacrifice

Book #4 - Ghost Legion

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