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Stardate 90391

Hi, my name is Brit. I am the daughter of Starry Eyes that you hear so much about. *G* I'm 7 and live with my mom and my "human jungle gym" step-father Jochi . I asked my mom to make me this page cause I wanted one like her. *G*

It is still under construction cause my mommy can't decide what to put on here when I'm not inside playing. *s*

Here is a picture of me and my cat Dinah. I got her from the flea market when she was just a baby. I love her very much. Dinah likes to sleep with me.She also likes to play with my cousin's kitten Angel.

My mom likes to take ALOT of pictures of me.
Here is my favorite of me and my mommy when I was a baby.
Here I am when I was just born.*G*

When I was only 8 months old we moved from Florida to Washington state. My mommy and I moved there with my step-daddy and step-sisters. It snowed alot there and I liked it, but mommy didn't.

This is me when I was almost 2 years old.

Here I am visiting at my grandpa's house when I was 3 years old.

When I was 4 my family moved to Misawa, Japan.

My step-daddy is in the Air Force and he works on planes and jets. *S* I had lots of fun living there. I was a lot bigger then and my mommy would let me play outside in the snow with my friends. My step-daddy would take me sledding, mommy would get really nervous, but I thought sledding was FUN! Japan had earthquakes all the time. One time I was watching TV and the TV started to move! It was kinda scary, but mommy and daddy were home so I was okay.

Then when I was 5 my mommy and I moved to Alabama.

Here is my cake when I turned 7 years old. Here I am getting ready to work with Ashley on mommy's car. Her car always breaks down. I tell her to get a new one but she says it takes lots of money.

I like to ride bikes, go camping with my family and play in the SCA . I also like to collect Pokemons, my favorite one is Pikachu,, isn't he cute? My mommy likes Pikachu too. *G*

I also have Raichu, Evee, Sandshrew, and Flareon.

Here are some links to some Pokemon pages that my mommy found for me.

Pokemon World

Brock's Pokemon Gym

Pikachu's Pokemon Palace

The Pokemon Pokedex

I also like to visit some Internet sites while my mommy looks with me. Some of those places are Disney.com and Nickelodeon.com. I also like to go to Barbie.com and design my own barbie doll. *s*

Or here are some pictures of me and my family just goofing around. Just click on Goofing Off.

To go to my mommy's page just click on, Back to mommy's page.

Thanks for visiting my page! Don't forget to sign my guestbook. *sweet s*

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