Inga Ropsa
wine1.jpg   Wine   1996
Title: Wine
Year: 1996
Medium: watercolor
Size: 77 cm x 52 cm (30.8 inch x 20.8 inch)
Awards: not received
Artist’s property

Frankly, I still don't know my place in the bunch of my contemporaries, don't know am I a toil artist, am I artisan or professional one. Do I look integrated in current art events or showing eclectic art pieces?  Even if I will sell only one art piece per year, I would follow doing this.  I am aware of scoping my experience in the past and technical ability developed, I would better say, that starting new art piece I am faced with the theme chosen and material taken as it was the very first time.
In the moment I start, I am free of any assumptions from the art history, thinking only about how innovative I would be in this artpiece. I am not trying to integrate it (periods, styles, techniques, whatsoever) intentionally, but reflecting the condition of my being. One of them is watercolor "Wine" 1996 77 cm x 52 cm (30.8 inch x 20.8 inch).

Translucent forms of floral elements on the black background are painted for achieving more drama in a simple way and must contradict to the tenderness of green leaves around the rose. Leafe green and sienna black (yellowish brown + total black) were chosen for colorful expression and demonstrates opaque glass approach for modeling light and shade.

October 19, 1999

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