Irish Flower Presents:

Tech. Difficulty

Massive coral reefs, elaborately painted in an array of shimmering colors, majestically rise from the sandy underwater floor. Luminous bubbles playfully move throughout the fluid water, occassionally bouncing off a cluster of sea anemone. Frolicsome seahorses tease pompous fish as they glide by, causing the puffed-up fishes to become flustered and create ripples in the water.Techno Difficulty A curtain of seaweed mysteriously covers the mouth of an onminously looking cave, foreboding of the dangers to enter within its depths. A faint noise resonants from the obscure parts of the cave, creating a melody that tempts any adventurous spirit to travel inside. An alluring fragrance drifts from somewhere beyond the cave's opening, enticing the senses, as well as beckoning one's curiousity to journey inward. At the entrance, a suction gently draws upon anything in its path, moving whatever it trapped into the inmost parts of the massive chambers. Techno DifficultyOnce inside the bowels of the cavern, one is utterly surrounded by an eerie darkness and deadly silence, yet the water continues to pull its prisoner towards an unknown destination. The soft swirling of the water, intermixed with the continual blackness blanketing the cavern, creates an atmosphere of anxiety and excitement for the captive because of it's iffy future. Eternity has come and gone before a radiant golden light emerges from the peak of the cave, illuminating the barren space where the water has left its prey. Suddenly, a gush of water drags the helpless victim into the dazzeling light.Techno Difficulty The violent flowing of the liquid creates an upward whirling, ensnaring the innocent within its spinning grasp, then thrusting it into the hole in which the bright light glows...