By: Lawrence Langman
The lies start in the middle of the evening.
The lies last till the morning light.
Times will change, and no one knows the reasons.
Is there a man beyond that guiding light?
And where do we go when it's time to die?
We've heard the world is gonna end soon.
Someday the sun will burn through night.
The world will end if we can't live together.
Why the hell can't black live with white?
Times change and no one knows the reasons.
For the reign of fighting for our rights.
Wanting to say what we're really feeling.
They're taking away our first amendment rights.
If they think we will fall asunder, let no man
Stand without putting up a fight.
The lies start in the middle of the evening.
The lies last till the morning light.
Times will change and no one knows the reasons.
This is our chance to make the wrongs seem right.
By: Lawrence Langman
Red light, stop light, Lookin' for some lovin',
tryin' to find some sin.
Red light, stop light, keep the motors running.
I'm lookin' till the fun never ends.
I'm all alone in the this big bad world,
tryin' to make my mark, tryin' to get my fill.
(I'm just looking for some thrills.)
Red light, stop light, lookin' for some money,
tryin' to pay my bills.
Red light, stop light, keep them a comin'
yes, I mean all them girls.
Red light, stop light, party till the morning light,
bringin' it thrill by thrill.
I'm all alone in this big bad world,
tryin' to make my mark, tryin' to get my fill.
(Just another girl to thrill.)
Red light stop, and green light go,
pedal to the metal, now off I go.
I'm off in the night, for a one man show.
(OH RED LIGHT..........STOP!)
By: Lawrence Langman
I've been sitting here thinking about you,
Wondering what life is about.
Trying to get my head together
Trying to get us all figured out.
Well, I love you so and always will
That will never change.
Although my dear, my life is very
Hard to rearrange.
You're the woman I've been wishing
And longing for.
But in my heart you'll find an open door.
Just step right in and you will see,
The loneliness and the challenge to be free.
We were married for ages it seems,
It's lovers you want and not really me.
We've had the good times and the bad
Throughout the years.
But deep inside cried alot of tears.
The happiest not in our lives is when
Our son arrived.
Now I cry deep inside
For I'm far away and he's with you.
I need him more than you ever do.
For he's my life, my pride and joy.
He's not a weapon and not a toy.
I write this now in almost tears.
For losing him is my greatest fear.