I hear your voice, like the oceans echo, from seashells to ears.
Faint but so distinctive, a whisper that's deafening.
I hear your voice. ~~~~~C.


What's in a name??

What's in a Friend??

I would like to thank each one of you for just being you.....in your own special way.

JeanGreyPhoenix enters, with praise and love.

WONGA da BABE!!!My soultwin....I love you and feel closer to you than any other online. And I feel that taking it to IRL will only solidate that fact. You mean the world to me....and I feel you deep babe...it is babe isnt it?? lol
RUBES!!! for her mass production of Lixxx and the ability to keep them wet and for her RhymeTimes...which I love.
BUBBA!!! for his grass skirts, teaching me the hula, for his respect of the ladies (covering his eyes) Always being a gentleman and for proving that chivalry is not dead. (and don't think I forgot about the PM's Bubba!Thx 4 those too!)
KAEBABE!!! for her friendship, her love, and for being so damn sweet! Proven by her multitude of flavors. We have been there for eachother in the past and I know we will remain friends..I love ya Girl!
DREAM!!! for his sweet goodnights...and never forgetting to say them.
KAK!!! for the nickname he calls me along with so much more that I will forever carry with me thruout
this lifetime.
THE OTHER AMY!! for the expected laughter she brings me every time she greets me!
JA!!! for his ability to overlook my flaws and for his undying affection.
GAT!!! for her ability to string together monumental insults and do so with extreme class. Something I greatly admire.
ROX!!! (my fave Dragon) for his big F**KING hugs. His love for poetry. His talent for writing. His friendship I hold dear.
HONEYBEAR!!! for the sweet somethings he ICQ's to me in french (which I hear in a french accent...go figure) and for the need to never have to type in black.
RYB!!! for being sweet funny thotful and just great at all times.
PLUT!!! for his words of wisdom and his inspiration and insight. And for his great spellcheck abilities....LOL. For being there when I needed to lean on someone...for keeping me on track. Thx.
DAVEY!!! for his appreciation for my fashion sense...and for being the pencil for the pencil test. And for giving me some great ideas and recipes....(love a man who can cook in more than one room!)
SODAPOP!!! for all those southern expressions I love so much!
CAMPER!!! for being there for me and helping me out when I was so shaken I never wanted to enter Yahoo chat again.
CEE!!! well damn! for just about everything...for always noticing when I enter a room and because I like all the attention he sends my way.
VEGA-MAN!!! for all those great Trivia Q's, hard but impressive. and, hey, what about that raincheck??
CHRIS, from ICQ!!! for the hours of endless laughter...for the stitch in my side, the tears in my eyes, and giving me the chance to learn how to type while ROTFLMAO!
JEDI!!! for being able to type "may the force be with you always" before the person exits the room. and lets not forget about the lightsaber! WooHoo! Spooners and Combos (miss them)
ATTILAN1!!! for his vast knowledge of Comix, excellent taste in music, the Michael Turner art he has shared with me. For opening my heart, expanding my horizons, and exposing me to new and
wonderous things.
LISA!!!(classof) for being able to have only one Yahoo ID and still be as fun to be with as the rest of the Trivsters.
SCORP!!!(_012) for his praise of my work and the sincerity in his words.
MELLIE!!! I dont really know you very well, but you must be one hell of a girl to have Da Scorp's heart...best to you both!
AKBEAST!!! for his unforgettable greetings and goodnights. Oh My! for the flowers and let's not forget
the puppies.
CRUNCHER!!! for always listening and never judging....the true definition of friend.
EYE 10BAR!!! for all those shots of VO, drinking me under the table and holding my hair back
while I puke.
JO ANN..from ICQ!!! for all the touching, funny, and amazing URL's she passes my way. (Yes....the ones so many of you have enjoyed most likely came form her)
JACK HAVOC!!! for the comical Fwds. he sends and for his sense of bad timing.
XTRATERROR!!! for his dry humor and his clever remarks. True definition of smart ass. For the ability to drive me crazy and remain charming enuff that I don't kill him.
IWANNA!!! (and Oh how I wanna...lol. For countlessly checking my page background for me and doing it gladly. And heck! just for her name!
TOPDOC!!! for doing whatever it is he does, drives the chickies crazy. Keep it up!
SHAKES!!! for his original name changes, tho I have yet to see reference to my name! For knowing the Sonnet I sent was Sonnet 29....I thot that was great! and for being so damn adorable (you are ya know)
SWEET!!! for the simple fact that her name fits.
GND!!! for helping bring Da Brats together and all the hard work and time it takes to do so. For listening, for being a good friend, for just being there...Thx Sis!
OHC!!! for the contact high I get when she's in the room.
PARTLY!!! for her friendship and sharing, for brightening up the room by just being there.
LOGAN!!! for my name and the reason I have it. For calling me Red, for buying me my new corvette after driving mine off a cliff....for them claws!! and for caring.
MARY!!! for keeping us all fed, keeping the room clean, all those tasty edibles she creates, for making sure I never left the room with her apron...BTW: Thx for giving me your old one now that you have a new one. I will wear it well. And for keeping us all inline....while online...lol.
CAPT C!!! A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H....
PAMMIE!!! for her artistic greetings and all the love. for changing her name back to Pammie...I was having a hard time remembering Paula.
KLS!!! for his knowledge of the Xmen...even tho he likes Rogue better than me!
BETH!!! for her ability to change her name and everyone still knows it's her....and for being able to come up with all those names, she should get a Yahoo award for that or something. for always having the ability to see the good in everything and everybody.
LARRY!!! for those special hugs, for calling me jeannie, and for his trademark commas.
SCOTT!!! for being team leader and a wonderful husband to me.
SHESRUNNINGWITHSCISSORS!!! for keeping a record of all those Trivia Typos! LoL! Love the Page Karen!
CARPE!!! for her great sense of humor and for her writing which I hope she shares before she dies!
WILE!!! for never really eating the RoadRunner.
THE ZIPSTER!!! for being so clever.....quick wit....I like that!
DaFUNK!!! For being able to do it for 8 hours straight!! I can't believe we did it for 8 hours!! Damn, you're good! And I'm still smiling! Can't seem to stop. Don't want to. Think you can break that record?? Go for maybe 10 hours next time??
NOVY!!! My "hitman", willing to kill for me, and the payment arrangements are quite satisfying also! And don't forget, I'll cover all Lawyer fees too.
RAVEN!!! For the Babes.....1,2,and 3. I wish you the best Girl! You will be a fantastic Mom!
AMYKAY!!! In whatever outfit you may have chosen for the moment! LOL. I thank you for always being so kind, and so much fun to be around, I have always enjoyed your company. You are a beautiful person....never change. You are my support, my encouragement.
BMW!!! You are one great Lady.....the true definition of Lady.
MAMMA!!! Your name means alot to many of us who have turned to you seeking advice, and you have always been willing to take that extra time to help us sort out our own troubles..Thank You.
DALA!!! Your Page is just great! Glad you sent me there!! You are a hella funny guy. But where's the beer I was promised, eh??
APRIL!!! You're Back!!! And it is sooo good to have you home in Yahoo..where you belong.
EDDY!!! HaHaHa!! I like you babe! You just tell it like it is and I'd want you no other way. And don't forget...ICQ me!
CLOEE!!! Miss the great fun we have shared....We all miss ya Girl! I'll give you the wettest of Lixxxxx upon your return!!
TUES!!! Ruby Tues...sing it babe! LOL. Your comments always catch me off guard and I often find myself ROTFLMAO!!
HUMP!!!for making the Elephant Sex room the most popular in Yahoo history! As only Hump can!
PAN!!! For giving me the URL where you can download a life!! For always being able to make me laugh...and think. And for your assistance in making the Elephant Sex room what is was.
BANSHEE!!! That condom was BIG wasn't it!? You are one of the most entertaining ppl I have ever had the privledge of knowing.....when you're around, life is way funnier!!!
RUBBERMANN!!! Dude, your sense of humor is a hard act to follow....heehee. Altho we haven't spent much time together...I look forward to seeing you....I await the next time our paths cross.
BELE!!!For starting the T or D Club, for putting up with me in my darker moods,for your poetry....which you should share with more than a handfull of ppl. Let's recipe exchange!!

wondering why your name isn't here, maybe cos this page is only half done.
Keep checking back~~~~~Thx!!!

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