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This Page will help You get to know a bit more about me~~~Jean!!
Eddylove requested a pic of myself be added to this page....as requested, dedicated to you! Lixxxxx 2 you!

Here is a pic of me that is just 2 mths old. Big Girl...Big Heart?? LMAO!

First off....My logon name JeanGreyPhoenix is taken from the XMen
Jean Grey for her telepathic mutant powers. The Phoenix becos it so suits me
And my mother agrees so it must be fact...for I too will rise out of the ashes!!!
But beware of those days when I'm carrying my IAmTheDarkPhoenix name...cos it
can't be a good day...lol.
My real name: Christina Lynn
My Email Addie: JeanGreyPhoenix@Hotmail.com
ICQ #: 10486502
Where am I from: California (bred, born, and raised)
Birthdate: April 17th, 1968
Sun Sign: Aries
That makes me 21 w/ 10 years experience.....I am currently taking a break from college (Majoring in English for a year while I decide what I want to be when I grow up)
What I do for fun: Play online every chance I get!!
Fave movies: (LOTS!) Braveheart, LadyHawke, 1st Knight,
All 3 Die Hards, Rebecca, Long Kiss Goodnight,
A Time to Kill, The Color Purple, The Hunt 4 Red October,
The Real McCoy, Heathers, Mobsters, Heart and Souls, Goonies, Hitchcock Movies, Bette Davis movies.
Interests: I love to read...I own 28 Dean Koontz novels.
I love to cook and have to admit, I do it well. Making new friends and visiting with old ones online. Hearing a good story, joke, watching a movie, viewing life....anything that touches a person within.
Parents:Still married...still alive. Altho at times I'm sure they think about knocking the other off and collecting the insurance $$$. J/K. I love my parents and they have taught me much in life
Tho I must admit for the last few years I have drifted away from alot of the values they worked so hard to instill in me....but I'm back on track now!

Siblings:I am the only girl (a def Daddy's girl!)and the 1st born. I have 2 Fab brothers.
Roger: 27, recently was released from the Navy...lol. He was stationed in WA, but has returned home to sunny California with his wife and 2 sons. As a matter of fact they have just purchased their first house! Their boys are: Roger III, age 4 in September and Tristan, 5 mths.
He has always been able to crack me up...and has loved me unconditionally, no matter what I have done....his love has been constant.
My Sister (in-law) Melissa:What a gal! to have put up with my brother for all these years!!!
She's either out of her
mind or very determined...we haven't figured out which yet..j/k Lis!!

Jonathan: who I call Jonny...or my Jonny Angel(he'll prolly shoot me when he finds out I wrote that)
Is going to be 17 in December. I adore him. He is one of the most interesting people I have ever known.
But I'd love him even more if he'd stop singing THAT blasted song!!(in case you don't know already...I absolutely can not stand the song "it's a small world"... that was even hard for me to type out!!LOL.) It takes me DAYS to get that stupid song out of my head!! Drives me INSANE. He has a "habit" of singing, humming, tapping out that song when he is around me....all just to time out how long it takes before I start doing it....I'm getting better tho! This is the brother who helped me start my page. He is great and I thank him.
My Daughter:Amanda Eve is 13 years old and thinks she should be able to date....yeah right!!
I call her Punkie..short for Pumpkinhead. She is very sweet, and we have a great realationship, she just lives somewhere else.
I will have to post her pic..I think she looks great, especially since she is in those not so fun Pre-teen gawky years. Something I heard that I thot was funny....
(I stayed in them till I was 20!) Keep your teenage boys locked up....
*Once a woman is a mother of a teenager, she understands why, in the wild, mothers eat their young**
My Oldest Son:Andrew Cameron: is almost 7 years old and just lost his fifth tooth. He adores Michael Jorden and has a "thing" for blonde girls.....he'll tell you that. He is very physical tho his build is near abouts, grossly thin...but don't let it fool you!
He loves to watch football with me....he's a 49er and Green Bay fan....Mom is a Chargers fan...don't laugh!
My Baby Boy: Aaron-Thomas is almost two years old and is a very very active child. He is different from most kids I've seen....oddly so. He does strange things...a great many things that other kids wouldn't show any interest in. And kid toys/games/stuff he doesn't seem to have taken an interest in at all. We'll have to wait and see if this is a good thing or a very very bad thing...lol.
He enjoys speghetti o's in his hair and cheerios up his nose....don't ask...lol.
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