I have felt the I have never quite "fit" any where into life. In school, as I was growing up, there were the popular teen girls...you know the ones, big hair, Jordache jeans, hairbrush in one hand, compact in the other....all studied up on their head game skills. And they somehow mastered the art of hair-flipping and giggling. I still have not learned these things (not that they'd do me much good in life today, but back in the 8th grade...it was a necessity). In my family I am the least funny person, I have two of the most hilarious men, who happen to be my extremely good-looking brothers. I have been described (more times than once in my life) as a multi-faceted diamond..if ever any of you figure out exactly what the means and whether or not its a good or bad thing...lemme know k?? I write poetry to express myself...basically to keep myself from slitting my wrists. (not that I'd ever REALLY kill myself...I'm not selfish enuff 4 that). I write for myself, and no one else...I post them here, cos it is something to fill these pages...and it is a part of who I am. (I mean I'm a great cook, but its hard to whip you up Steak Diane or my Stuffed Shells via the Web!). But I might try to do that at a later date, ya never know what type of mood I may venture into. I am what ppl call a free-spirited person, I cannot survive in a "contained" atmosphere for long (reason for my recent separation). I feel that becoming an adult doesn't mean that we kill the child within us...that wide eyed wonderment of how great life is...Children can find true joy in the simplest of things. We should never stop doing that. Being responsible doesn't mean you can no longer have fun. If you want to kick off your shoes and jump on your bed...why not, if you feel the urge?? You own the bed.... ( is any of this making sense to you??). I have never truly followed the "women" rules...see, still the odd man out thing going on (but hey it works for me!)....In dating: My ideal dream dates are free, or near abouts free. I think that it takes a great imagination and a great deal of thot as to who I am for a man to impress me in the dating dept. And into the relationship as well. Dinner and dancing....nah! I dont think so....thats just too easy fellas...what about we gas up the car...pop in some tunes and drive and talk into the night to no where?? (nearly free, a tank of gas, maybe bridge toll). Get a blanket, go out under the stars, and try to count them, make up tragic stories of the constellations (this is a good date if done in the day time with staring at the clouds..a light picnic..ect). Am I totally freaking you out yet?? Is this all just too weird?? Do I need to be committed?? Send your opinions to...oh forget it, just send the men in the white coats to Yahoo Trivia...they can fit me for that lovely fashionable wrap-around sleeved, really cool buckled jacket.
Now, this is also how I like my gifts. Flowers and candy or jewlery...oh please! Any idiot with a credit limit can do that. Get creative! It's the little things in life that make life worth living!! Don't get me wrong, flowers are wonderful...but let's enjoy fields of them, let's not contain them to a vase on the dinette. A nice hot bubblebath, with candles lit, some classical composition playing...you get the point. I would say I am not a materialistic person-to a fault. All I really need are a nice comfortable place to live, (this means running water, indoor plumbing and the sort tho, I mean even I have limits!) the necessities to survive ( this does not however mean A Lexxus in the driveway, a huge diamond on my finger, and that mink wrap. We're talking like food!) and someone to share my life with who knows me, and loves me. And who can live with my faults...and oh yes I do have them! lol.
I Want to Delve Further Into Jean's Insanity
I Just Want Out, This Woman Is Crazy!!