Requirements for joining the HHA(HTML HELp Alliance Webring
NO porn or adult material graphical or verbal
You must Display the correct code on the page you submit when you join
When you Join You have the choice of joining the html help alliance the html help alliance or hha for short is a group dedicated to helping people with html/webtv questions through email and chat every night for more info mail the hha or visit HTML Help alliance home page
If you submit a site and the address for it is a dead link it will be deleted without warning you may then resubmit the correct url Ive been ahving some people submit dead links. I have alsoa ctivated the auto expire i set it for either 4 or 6 weeks please email me AT As soon as you insert the code..... If you have a site that has frames ora sideabr please use the code on the sidebar named code 2 the regular code wont look right on your page......