Please, help save these beautiful, harmless, innocent creatures from extinction!
Wolves, horrifying to some and beautiful to others?
For years the wolf has fired people's worstimaginations, throughout folklore and time always been pictured as evil and mean.
But rather,
wolves are shy, beautiful, graceful and intelligent animals with
complex social structures andstronger family values than most humans.
Can we, the supposedly more intelligent species, distinguish between the reality of the wolf and the legends that have in the past been created?
Can we accept this mighty predator as part of the diversity of all things on Mother Earth, and allow it to occupy it's own God given place in the eco-system.
Who is man that he should decide the right of any living creature to exist or not?
Don't perpetuate the myths; educate yourself more about wolves to be able to distinguish between myths and truths.
What ways can you help save our brother and sister wolves?
What can and will help the wolf is for you to
Read both popular accounts and scientific reports and learn to make intelligent choices about the future of these animals.
There are lots of resources available on and off the net that will help you stay abreast of wolf related news. Read and listen to news information. Visit wolf sites and bookmark the ones that offer updates on wolf projects. Visit these sites often and keep up to date on current wolf issues.
Express your opinion and help to educate the public. For only through education can the opinions of many be changed and we hope to save the wolves!
Get actively involved. Join at least one organization that is working to save the wolves.
Even if you don't have much money to give, consider classroom, club, company, or other group fund-raisers. Hold
bake sales, yard sales, car washes or collect aluminum cans to help
If you are able to,
sponsor a wolf and follow it throughout its life!! Helping to
provide the actual care and paying
the expenses for a wolf is one of the best ways to help.
If you are able, donate a larger sum of money to one or several organizations that are working to restore wolves and teach people about them. But remember, even a small amount of money will help an organization with day to day operating expenses.
But, more importantly, grant getting and lobbying efforts are always increased by larger membership roles.
If you are concerned that your money may not be well spent ASK QUESTIONS! Organizations that spend their money wisely are never afraid to answer questions. Ask for a copy of their fiscal reports. Find out how they spend their money. Is it spent on programs and how much of it is spent on administration and salaries, etc? This information can tell you what the wisest choices for you may be. I don't care which organization you join, just join one!
Once educated, informed and actively involved, take a step to the next level. When you become aware of a problem, don't just talk about it, do something.
Write letters to the appropriate people, sign petitions or become an activist. Let your elected officials know how you feel. Ask your friends, co-workers and family members to do the same. Remember, the more people that speak up, the further the cry will be heard.
My hope with this page is that I have
helped to educate and encourage you to walk down a path that will
help restore our brother and
sister wolves to their rightful place on Mother Earth.
The Creator put all creatures on the earth for a purpose and it is not up to man to destroy them but rather to find a way to live in harmony and walk amongst them.
There is much to be learned from the wolves.
Please contact me if you would like to see any other ways of helping the wolves posted on these pages. Credit for all suggestions will certainly be given.
Please bookmark this site and send it to others to spread the word.
Please help to save the wolves, they are in terrible danger,
we must act before it's too
Extinction cannot be reversed!!
This page is dedicated to the leaders and members of all organizations and to all the people both before and after me that have or will take a stand to save the wolves.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
Please spread the word.
I urge you to get involved!
Firewoman aka Margaret
Walk My Path Of Wolf Links
National Wildlife Federation
Wolf Haven International
International Wolf Center
Two Socks Website
Defenders of Wildlife
Wolf Recovery Foundation
The Wolf Den
Spiritmates of the Wolf
Maine Wolf Coalition
Click here to read the Wolf Creed!!!
click here if you really want to help!!!!
to Two Hearts, Our Main Gateway
to Country Comforts
to Flower Garden Kitties
to Our Craft Closet
Please go read our report on the Gray Wolf by clicking here!!!
(Very Informative)
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Two Hearts Are Better Than One
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Page Last Updated July 29, 2003