Looking for miniature or miniature-related catalogs? Then MiniCATS is for you!

You have reached MiniCATS, the Catalog of the Week archives for the Dollhouse Guild. Each week, I, Jill Lynne Ness, CATalog Coordinator, feature a catalog of interest to miniature collectors and/or artisians. Many of these catalogs are free for the asking; others charge a small fee and/or a SASE (self-addressed, stamped evelope). In any case, if you like miniatures you should BY ALL MINI MEANS not neglect the mail-order market, for this is how many new and exciting miniature companies get started. After all, miniaturists know: good things DO, indeed, come in small packages.

Why CATalogs? My six cats, Willie, Melissa, Elizabeth, Cambridge, Solomon and Jasmine are an integral part of my CATalog review process. Like me, the cats love both miniatures and catalogs. At approximately 11:00 A.M. each morning, my cats go to the livingroom and wait for our mail carrier, who shoves the mail through a slot in our door. The cats eyes move from the mail slot to the floor; I imagine, like me, that they are counting the "drops"--e.g. three drops is a good mail day! Invariably, after the mail comes, my cats become wonderful paperweights and go sit on the mail. They like the CATalogs in particular. Especially miniature catalogs! When I obtain a new mini, I have to hide it away or one of my cats will tote it away. I'm sure those of you who have cats have experienced the same phenomena, for cats by nature are attracted to small things. Maybe that's why so many miniature lovers also love cats.

This page has been visited times since November, 1997.

The CATalog Archives

on November 25, 1998
CATalog of the Week #1: Etcetera, Etc.
CATalog of the Week #2: Royalwood, Ltd.
CATalog of the Week #3: Rose's Doll House
CATalog of the Week #4: "Pannikins" by M.E.
CATalog of the Week #5: Grandma's Attic
CATalog of the Week #6: Donna's Dollhouse Miniatures
CATalog of the Week #7: A Rainbow's End
CATalog of the Week #8: Special Sellers
CATalog of the Week #9: Kitz!
CATalog of the Week #10: Glass Blowers Workshop
CATalog of the Week #11: Hobby Builders Supply
CATalog of the Week #12: Vickey's Miniatures Catalog
CATalog of the Week #13: Sandy's Lace and Trims
CATalog of the Week #14: Master Artisans
CATalog of the Week #15: Mini-Made Imaginations
CATalog of the Week #16: Private Collection
CATalog of the Week #17: The Dollhouse Factory
CATalog of the Week #18: In a Miniature Manor
CATalog of the Week #19: American Science & Surplus
CATalog of the Week #20: JAF Miniatures
CATalog of the Week #21: Le Petit Chateau
CATalog of the Week #22: Dorothy's Doo-Dads

The CATalog Review System

     No thumbs up or thumbs down!  It's strictly PAWS here, folks.  
     Here's how it works:

     ONE PAW :  same old dried cat food.  Not worth your time, unless
     you're desperate.        
     TWO PAWS :  canned, but moist!   Might be worth checking out.
     THREE PAWS :  table food.  If you can, don't pass it up! 
     FOUR PAWS :  CATNIP!  Snatch up this CATalog, fast!

Have a suggestion for the CATalog of the week?


Wanna see my miniatures CATalog?

Life in Miniature