Things that bother me....
Things that Bother Me
Yes, I, like most people have things that I don't like. Except for those people who are always happy, which, that right there is enough to hate them for.....but, I'll try to stay on the subject, we wouldn't want my mind to wander. =0)
- Gum that is so sticky that it pops and won't come off your lips no matter what you do.
- Those little tags on pillows and blankets and stuff, that say 'do not remove'. Why not? Will it fall apart? Is there a nuclear time bomb attached? Come on, those are so dumb!
- Rubber bands that break and snap your hand when you just had a REALLY good shot at that annoying person across the room. (you know the nerd who always gets everyone extra homework.....)
- Hard Mentos will kill your teeth.
- People who try to be something they aren't to fit in. In which case, they aren't fitting in, because everyone can tell they are stupid posers! (oops!, minds wandering)
- Siblings that tell on you for something and get you in trouble. Don't they realize they are only going to make it harder on themselves when they get older?!
- Pillows that get all the fluffy stuff pushed out of one corner.
- Dentist flouride. I realize there are a few deranged people out there who like this- those people scare me!
- People who scream and yell, when they know it bothers you!
- When your favorite team loses by 1 or 2 points. (or loses at all!)
- When your imaginary friend refuses to talk to you. =0)
- When people don't sign your guestbook. (why do they think it's there?! Just so you can say you have it?! I don't think so!!
- Pens that run out of ink, in the middle of class. (how are you going to finish that note to your best friend now?!)
- Barney, and anything, or anyone who has anything to do with him.
- Winnie the Pooh- sorry all you pooh-lovers, but he bugs me!!
I guess that's it for now......
Maybe not, but my mind is beginning to wander..........
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