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Stirling's Keeper of Elysium - Bethany

In the border skirmishes of the 15th century between England and Scotland, armies crossed back and forth on a regular basis, often preying on those towns along the border. One such town was Argyllham, the home of a small farming community north of the border which was set upon by soldiers from the south. The entire village was laid to waste as the crops were trampled into the mud and the men slaughtered. The soldiers then brutally raped and beat the defenseless women, leaving them for dead as their homes burned around them. The sole survivor of that attack was a young woman, Senga, who burned with grief and pain as she awaited death. Somehow, she pulled through, her pain turning to anger as she healed. From then on, she made it her sole purpose to seek out the murderers and exact revenge; to take what they had sought to take from her. It took her over a decade to complete that task and what she did changed her. She turned her soul inwards so that nothing could ever reach it - or harm it - again. She became cold, harsh. It was then that the one who had watched her all that time, impressed by her courage and perseverance, decided to embrace her.

Gangrel by clan, he chose to stay beside her in the first few months, for he had been traveling alone for many years and desired company. Together they went to a town called Stirling where she learned all she could from her sire, until he left to wander again. She rebuilt, creating a power base and information network, and through her efforts met other kindred, such as Khezlar, who later became her allies. With their support and her own audacity she became Stirling's first keeper of Elysium.

It was around this time that the infamous Highland clearances began. Many families, and even whole communities, were made homeless. In 1782, a young girl by the name of Bethany Ross was orphaned by the particularly vicious clearing of her village. With no one left to turn to, she fled into the wilds, at first barely surviving the cold nights. She learned in time, hopping from village to village, living off what she could beg and steal. She found herself in Stirling shortly before her 17th birthday, where she attracted the attentions of Senga, who saw in her the innocence she had lost. Impressed with her ability to adapt, even as her sire had been with her, she embraced the youngster and began to teach her all she could. Bethany coped well with the change, her child-like nature accepting the transition and her sire completely.

In 1810, 25 years after Bethany's embrace, an ally to Senga requested, through Khezlar, a meeting in the hinterlands. It was an ambush. Halfway to her destination, she was attacked by a pack of Black Spiral Dancers and some of their Pentex allies. She put up a valiant fight but it was obvious even to her she could not win. Outnumbered and outmatched, she cast her mind and spirit out of her body; a last-ditch attempt at survival.

Her free-floating consciousness looked down in terror as her body disintegrated but, feeling a familiar bond, she fled. The bond led her back into Stirling, to her haven, and to Bethany. Looking down on Bethany, whom she had hoped would succeed her, she knew that the little one was not yet up to the task. The pull of the Umbra growing stronger, Senga had to decide quickly. It was an easy choice even though she cared for her childe. Bethany would go; Senga and centuries of knowledge would be saved.

Bracing herself, Senga flung her consciousness towards Bethany's body, but the childe was strong in spirit. Even though she knew not what happened, her spirit, young and vibrant, resisted Senga's attempts to cast it out. The private battle raged for two nights and a day, Bethany seemingly torpored, until Senga was finally pulled away.

When Bethany awoke, a whole new world opened up to her. She suddenly knew… things. Confusing issues were now simple to her. Some small fragments of Senga had remained. Ever will Bethany now be influenced by her sire - her desires, her strengths, her flaws, her needs.

No other knows what occurred on the night of Senga's death, and Bethany keeps it that way. Driven by these new desires and aided with new information, she rose to power swiftly, retaking the position her sire once held. Other kindred are often confused as to how one so young can know so much and hold that much power successfully; Bethany just smiles sweetly at them. Now Primogen and keeper of Elysium, she has learnt some control over the two aspects of her mind, although full control is many decades away. She now resides on the University's campus, posing as the Principle's daughter - Beth Miller.

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