The Kindred Of Stirling

Robert MacLean Prince Brujah 6th Stirling Castle
Dymus Frasier Sheriff Gangrel 7th Several havens in the area
Bethany Primogen
Keeper of Elysium
Gangrel 8th University Campus
Alex White Primogen
Keeper of the Masquerade
Toreador 8th Upper class Bridge of Allan house
Khezlar Merrin Informant to the Prince Caitiff
(of Nosferatu blood)
8th The county sewers

Prince Robert MacLean
Sired at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1927, by Culchamhain, he is ever faithful to his beloved Scotland. He grew in stature to such that, after Culchamhain was killed by Black Spiral Dancers, he became Prince of Stirling himself. It was he who consolidated the truce with the local Fianna and kept intruders into his domain at bay until now. Strong and resilient, he thinks of his fiefdom before all else, including his friends…

Dymus Frasier
Handsome, deadly. His footfalls always silent, his weapons ever ready to whisper from their sheaths. This one is not as he appears, the services he renders are somewhat specialized. As sheriff, he has the right to terminate any who step out of line. Few dare nowadays.

For all that she may appear, this one is not to be trifled with. To the mortal world she is just another student with a sweet smile and a big heart. She is also ruthless, ambitious and has a tongue sharper than any of Frasier's blades! A young vampire, she rose to power with unprecedented swiftness. Her talents as mediator and thief have often served well when dealing with other kindred, her usefulness generally belaying unseemly questions.

Alex White
A Toreador poseur who came to Stirling to escape the taunting of his peers. Younger kindred know nothing of his centuries old shame, though he is still shunned by many of his elders. He was caught here when the wars cut off the outside world and has since made a good (un)life for himself. His ability to covertly keep the kine in thrall has proved invaluable to the fief though his odd mannerisms sometimes land him in trouble. Bethany is like a childe to him, and the two get on well. His theatrical training has made keeping his vampiric nature secret an easy task.

Khezlar Merrin
Cunning and devious after many years of espionage, his information has always been sound and timely. He sees better with one eye than most do with two. An odd one, by all accounts, with an unfortunate attitude towards the local Toreador. He keeps to himself, never talking above a whisper.

Other Kindred in the Area:
5 brujah - an 8th gen, a 9th gen, two 10th gens and a 12th gen
3 toreador - a 10th and two 11th gens
1 gangrel - an 11th gen

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