brujah brujah
History of Stirling by Night - The Prince

In the days of Carthage there was a scholar and philosopher of the clan Brujah by the name of Erasmus, an individual of great charisma and vision. His unlife was one of quiet contemplation, until the Roman forces and their Ventrue and Malkavian masters destroyed the utopian city through jealousy. He needed a new place to live and try to raise a new Carthage, one the Romans could not spoil. He looked to Caledonia, where the native Picts and Celts were holding off the Roman attempts at invasion. This to him was perfect.

In time Erasmus grew comfortable in the Roman free land. He had managed to integrate himself into the country, eking out a small but content lifestyle as a Wiseman, whose eccentricity of never rising in daylight was explained away as a side affect of some superstition. In time he came to wish for company in unlife and took a childe, a Pictish king from the central region - Culchamhain.

The two vampires lived quietly, raising a town in the increasingly hostile land, avoiding attacks by lupines of both the Fianna and Black Spiral Dancer tribes, usually by leading one to the other. Erasmus' time came at the claws of a pack of he wyrm-tainted lycanthropes. Culchamhain continued, but found the city he now ruled ever more an outpost, cut off from the rest off the world by the increasing activity of the lupines in their war. He, and the few other kindred - mostly of the Brujah, Toreador and Gangrel clans - found themselves living in a war zone unable to escape.

It was his fear of a death he had already faced once that drove Culchamhain to take a childe himself. This childe was a young warrior from the town, which had come to be named Stirling. The warrior had demonstrated an unusual toughness and also had in him the rebel spirit, lending his support to the army led by Wallace in defense of his country. In 1297 came the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Here the twenty year old warrior, Robert MacLean fell to an arrow which gave Culchamhain the opportunity to embrace his chosen one into the world of the undead.

Robert coped surprisingly well with the change; he had little time to adjust to the stresses of unlife as the Black Spiral attacks increased in frequency. Now the Fianna of Stirling's Caern made an uneasy truce with Culchamhain to fight side by side to protect the city. Robert was another soldier in the ongoing war, in which he grew in power, stature and cunning. He became Culchamhain's second in command, exactly as the older vampire had hoped.

It was well that Culchamhain had such foresight, as one night in the January of 1886 he was attacked by two packs of Black Spiral Dancers bearing stakes and powerful fetishes designed specifically to remove the ancient from their way. Only one lupine survived the attack but it was he who dealt the final blow, tearing Culchamhain's head from his body while he lay grievously wounded, stakes embedded in his chest. Robert hunted and slew this Dancer - the grandfather of the current leader of the nearby hive.

Robert became Prince in his sire's stead and continued the fight. Stirling had become cut off completely from the rest of the kindred world some hundred years before, and the battles between the factions that warred for possession of the city grew more vicious. Many childer of Robert and his Primogen - a group of fellow elders, each of whom have saved each other many times over - have died. Now Robert has heard through the tales of a Gangrel who recently returned to the city. This rare occurrence brought with it tell that the new Prince of Glasgow and the justicar of clan Tremere wish to use Stirling as a staging post to attack the Black Spiral Dancers who apparently have been making pests of themselves there also. It took some doing, but Robert, his Primogen, and a select group of other kindred managed to engineer a way through the blockades raised by the Dancers, so they could travel to Glasgow and tell these Camarilla upstarts that Stirling is already occupied!

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