Activity 2
Role 2: A Migrant Worker

Assume the role of a migrant worker. You are an Asian domestic worker in the Middle East. You are to write a letter home to your family, along with money. Your letter is in regards to your life in an Arab culture. What would you write based on the following questions:

Journal Questions

To help you with evaluating and investigating this interesting culture, you are to maintain a journal to record your notes and thoughts. This journal will be assessed for a grade at the conclusion of this project.

In your investigations refer to the website links below. Ask the following questions to gain a basic understanding of the region.

  1. Given your situation, why did you choose to work in the Middle East away from your home land?
  2. What kind of living conditions are you experiencing? Are they better or worse than your home land?
  3. what kind of job are you likely to have?
  4. How difficult is it for you to adjust to your living conditions?

Journal Entry

At the conclusion of researching the questions, use a word processor to create a letter addressed to your family regarding your situation.

The Links

Migrant Worker - Marissa's Choice
Wonderful essay explaining the "up close & personal reasoning" of a Filipino woman's decision to continue working in the Middle East despite adverse conditions.

Migrant Workers in Saudi Arabia
This site provides 1,573 profiles of various countries and people. Carefully compiled over many years by Robert Nance. This particular site focuses on the plight of the migrant worker in Saudi Arabia. The site is informative about the personal rights of the migrant worker.

Foreign Workers in Saudi Arabia
This is an excellent site commenting on foreign workers in Saudi Arabia. The feedback from readers is most useful insight into what really happens.

Foreign Workers in Kuwait
This site is informative about the current situation with foreign workers in Kuwait. Kuwait has a large population of foreigners hired to work in the country.
Now continue onto Activity 3.


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