Background Review

To begin your quest to Grow your Global Perspective, below are a few links to provide you with the demographic background of various Middle Eastern countries with some basic information regarding the Arab culture.

There are several countries that constitute the Middle Eastern countries with Arab cultures. Our focus, however, will include information from the following countries: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Journal Questions

To help you with evaluating and investigating this interesting culture, you are to maintain a journal to record your notes and thoughts. This journal will be assessed for a grade at the conclusion of this project.

In your investigations refer to the website links below. Ask the following questions to gain a basic understanding of the region.

  1. What is the distribution of people within the region? Are most of the people natives to the region?
  2. What is the primary religion of the country?
  3. Regarding the economy, what are the major exports or industries of the region?

The Links

CIA World Factbook 1997
This site provides you with the basic demographic information about the country of your choice. Those countries include: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and/or UAE.

Profiles of Saudi Arabia
This site is an exhaustive site on many categories of Saudi Arabia. Includes topics such as government, religion, and education. Many links to choose from.

Living & Teaching in the Desert - Locals in Kuwait share observations.
Teachers Mark and Heather Pachiorka share their first-hand impressions and observations of living in a desert nation near to one of the world's political hotspots. It is an insightful article about the specific aspects of living in Kuwaiti culture as a foreigner.

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