Lawrence County, Kentucky
Ancestor Photos
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John, 1887 ~ 1913 & Cleva (Carter), 1884
~ 1976 Celina , 1912 ~ ? Barnett.
John Barnett, son of Laban Leander &
Mary E. Barnett, was born on September 27, 1887 in Lawrence County, KY. He
married Cleva Carter, daughter of Benjamin Franklin & Nancy (Prince)
Carter, on June 3, 1911. Cleva was born on February 25, 1884 at Osie,
KY. John died on February 4, 1913. Celina was born April 11,
1912 in Handley, Kanawha County, WV. Cleva married second to Roy Burton,
son of Samuel Winfield & Calpurnia (Chaffin) Burton. Photo contributed by Lennie Carter &
information taken from The Carter Family ~ The Genealogy and Family History
of the VIRGINIA CARTERS and their Migration to Lawrence County, Kentucky,
by Lennie M. Carter.
Nathan Bates & Corilda Thompson ~ Nathaniel Bates and Corilda Thompson Bates were the parents of Mary Ellen Bates, born October 1882 in Lawrence County. She married Thomas Adams on July 22, 1905. Thomas was the son of Barbara Carter and Laban Theodore Adams. Photo contributed by Lennie Carter & information taken from The Carter Family ~ The Genealogy and Family History of the VIRGINIA CARTERS and their Migration to Lawrence County, Kentucky, by Lennie M. Carter.
James Lace Blackburn, 1884 ~
?. James
Lace Blackburn was born November 26, 1884, the son of Harmon Blackburn, born
August 20, 1856, & Mary Eliz. Gussler, born June 16, 1860. James
was known as "Lace" and was the husband of Emma Curnutte Blackburn. His
father and his uncle both came from Pike County . . . one bought property
on one side of the little Blaine and the other on the other side. James'
grandfather was murdered by bushwackers during the Civil War in Pike County.
James died pretty young. Photo &
information contributed by Linda Smith.
Samuel Winfield Burton, 1860 ~ 1905. Samual W. Burton , son of Samuel P. & Anna (Carter) Burton, was born November 2, 1860 at Irad. He married Calpurnia (Pern) Chaffin on May 29, 1884 in Lawrence County. Pern was born March 21, 1864 in Lawrence County, daughter of Kenes & Margaret (Goins) Chaffin. Samuel died on January 17, 1905 at Osie and Pern died January 8, 1964 in Midland, PA. Photo contributed by Lennie Carter (Courtesy of Glenda Chaffin Doutt) & information taken from The Carter Family ~ The Genealogy and Family History of the VIRGINIA CARTERS and their Migration to Lawrence County, Kentucky, by Lennie M. Carter.
Jay Hunting & Sue (Ball) Carter ~ Jay was born March 7, 1883 in Lawrence County, son of James William Carter and Sarah Ann Berry. He married Sue Ball on November 28, 1903 in Lawrence County. She was born December 27, 1887, daughter of Elza Ball and Florence Berry. She is listed in the Berry Book by Dr. Agricola. ~ Photo contributed by Lennie Carter & information taken from The Carter Family ~ The Genealogy and Family History of the VIRGINIA CARTERS and their Migration to Lawrence County, Kentucky, by Lennie M. Carter.
St Clair Berry ~ The image was titled "Aunt Louisa & StClair Berry." If you have additional information, please email me. I did find a St.Clair Berry that was born August 7, 1851 in Lawrence County, KY. Photo contributed by ??? (Sorry, lost with a PC Crash. If you will email me, I will post proper credits.)
Roscoe Family ~ The image was titled "Mama & Papa Roscoe." If you have additional information, please email me. Photo contributed by ??? (Sorry, lost with a PC Crash. If you will email me, I will post proper credits.)
If you want to view all the photos, use the links below. Note that they are not in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
Last Updated: Thursday, September 06, 2007 09:49 AM