Lenora's Fiction Archive

The Dream by Lenora McCoy

This story is my new epic work. I'm breaking my own rule of not webbing stories until they are completed with this, for the sole reason that I really love this piece and I want to share it . . . and I want to share before the new millenium!

This story has a timeline spanning a full 3 and one half years of time, and there is a sequel fermenting in the back of my mind. All told, this will probably end up a novel!

So check out what's done so far. If you want to be notified when this story is updated, send me an email!

NEW! See a photo I have of Peter from "The Dream" -- it was taken during the photo shoot for our first album, in mid-1967.

Peter Tork, circa 1967

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Part 1 Part 16Part 31
Part 2 Part 17Part 32
Part 3 Part 18Part 33
Part 4 Part 19Part 34
Part 5 Part 20
Part 6 Part 21
Part 7 Part 22
Part 8 Part 23
Part 9 Part 24
Part 10 Part 25
Part 11 Part 26
Part 12 Part 27
Part 13 Part 28
Part 14 Part 29
Part 15 Part 30

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Coming Soon:

The sequel to "The Dream", Find the Cost of Freedom

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Check out a story set 30 years later. Len looks back on her life at the Pad in 1998.

WARNING: Contains some spoilers.

Read at your own spoiler risk!

Your Life is Now

NEW! See a photo of Peter that I snapped right about the time "Your Life is Now" took place, in 1998!

Peter Tork, circa 1998

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Hosted by Tripod

Created by Lenora McCoy

Last updated 22 JAN 99

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