So, you've decided to learn more about the man behind the web page.
Well, there's not much to learn.
I was born in a humble cottage in the suburbs of Houston in 1977, where I lived what I believed to be a normal life. I spent my summers in California and my winters visiting NASA Johnson Space Center. Quite often I was forced to do slave labor, things like English papers and math problems. At the age of fourteen I was enrolled in a twenty-second rate college in Los Angeles, doing slave labor in such subjects as math and English.
Soon I had decided to become a crime-fighting superhero. Donning a mask fabricated from aluminum cans and riding a strange bike assembled from parts of three different bikes of different sizes, I became Odd-Man, champion of justice. In my first encounter with villainous fiends, I defeated Mime-Boy, Evil-Dork Man, and Sidekick Boy unaided. Soon after this I retired from the vigilante life, to become a normal citizen again.
As a "normal" citizen, I continued in my slave labor. Currently, I have escaped from the labor camp under the guise of graduating and am enjoying myself as a freelance napper and general lazy bum. Hopefully my efforts will inspire others to end the inhumane system of slave labor and take up other, less productive lives. Support the cause today. Workers of the world unite!
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