Lhasa Ehmo's Bunker

Duke Nukem killing another Duke

Since the dawn of time, many people have taken refuge in this bunker.

Welcome to my Bunker! Here you can take refuge from the more sane world around you.

What's New!What's New!
July 22, 1999:
There is only one thing I need say... Uber-Chipmunk!! Check it out by clicking on the What's New button!

Well, go to one of these sub-pages, or stay here and stare at the screen.

From any of my sub-pages, you can click on this icon Crystal Ballto go here, the main page.

Section of Highly Incredible Things:
See bizarre and wonderful creations
such as the Limosine Zebra and the
Ninja Dude with a Machine Gun!
New curiosities are added occasionally,
so visit often!

Monsieur le Marquis de Lister's Musée d'Art sur l'Internet,
which contains poems, fiction, and perhaps at some point some art.

Retsilj is, uhm, quite an unusual bard. Read the lyrics to some of his songs!

About myself. You can find out about Lhasa Ehmo!

A slightly irreverent look at EEP and the people in it.

Great Phrases to use with your friends! Astound people with your knowledge!

The Cool Button, so cool that you won't ever leave your computer again!

An Ode to Summer, written while in a freedom-induced stupor.

State of the World, by Generalissimo Lister.

Jake frags Paul!!!
Project Nibbles With Frags -
Soon you can kill Paul from
the comfort of your own home!

Links to pages belonging to some of my friends.

Read the script to Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Later I'll add a few sound files and maybe a movie clip.

Laugh at the Sounds of Paul.

Read something I wrote about the MTA.

Here are some of the most bizarre ideas on the web. More bizarre than anything I've seen with my eyes closed, Stranger sounding than I've ever heard with earplugs in, and more dreamy than any waking thought! Bizarre Theories!

Check out how I voted in the California's primaries.

Just a couple thoughts on the 1998 World Cup.

Go to the Official Website of the
Departemente of Propaganda,
Evil Commie Spies of America.

Links to sites pertaining to things I enjoy.

Sign here:
Sign my guestbook, but, sign only if ye be men of valour, for the entrance to this guestbook is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived! Bones of full fifty men lie strewn about it's lair. So, brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth.

Last updated on July 22, 1999. See a Revision History.
E-mail me at Lhasa_Ehmo@Juno.com.
Contact me using AOL Instant Messenger as Dituren,
or using Mirabilis ICQ as #5843931, nickname Lhasa Ehmo.
(Note: You'll have to tell me who you are, I can't guess)