
If you have seen Hanson in concert or been to a live recording, tell us about it. Hanson-World@juno.com

We have seen Hanson in concert in Chicago for the B96 Halloween Bash, and we have also seen the full tour shows in Milwaukee and Chicago go here to see the pictures.

:This page includes reviews by fans and critics. Scroll down for the reviews by the fans. The following are critic's reviews:

=pittsburgh review=

=atlanta review=

=detroit review=

=toronto review=

=boston review=

=washington review=

=denver review=

=detroit review-2=

=milwaukee review= (We were there!)

=chicago review= (We were there, too!)

=charlotte review=

=nashville review=


=a few people's opinion on hanson (mtv news)=


=amber's review from hershey=

=michelle's review from charlotte= <-- she met Hanson.

=elisanna's review=

If you've been to a concert, send us your review. Hanson-World@juno.com

:More reviews coming soon:

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