Lesley & Greg
I admit I'm the reason
you had your first date
As for the wedding
it must of been fate
I played a small part
made a suggestion or two
You took it from there
and the relationship grew
Now here you both are
as husband and wife
I wish you both happiness
for the rest of your life
It won't always be easy
living in the same house
Life can be diffcult
when you have a spouse
Remember this day
and what loves all about
Because you're not blaming me
if this doesn't work out
My Best Friend
I was looking for friendship
when you came along
Something was missing
I needed someone
You changed my world
right from the start
Know that I love you
with all of my heart
Your a wonderful man
warm, gentle and kind
More than I dreamed
I would ever find
You make me smile
the love that you send
You brighten my day
just being my friend
I love you dearly
keep this in mind
I will cherish you always
love you more with time
What a wonderful way
for each day to begin
Knowing you are there
and you're my best friend
I go through each day
not knowing how long
I have on this earth
before I am gone
People keep saying
I will be alright
What if they are wrong
what if I die
Nobody knows
the fear I hide
How scared I am
what I'm feeling inside
I take each day
one day at a time
Just pushing my fears
to the back of my mind
Nobody knows
how hard I try
To hold back the tears
of not knowing why
I feel so alone
yet it never shows
How painful this is
Nobody Knows
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