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Quake Patches

Here are a few of my favourite Quake patches. If you think your patch is good enough and its not on my page, email me about it and tell me where to download it. But please don't attach the file in email.   I don't have a T1 line : (

Warning: The server Quakehole left so I'm finding new links to most of the patches below. It will take me a while to get all the links right so please be patient.

To load a Quake patch, unzip into a subdir such as quake\patch then at the prompt type quake -game patch


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M&R Quake Patches

Patch Name  Description 
m&r16.zip My very own Quake Patch!  It has neat stuff like a 3D external view, more gibs, more blood you can blow up the bodies on the ground, like solidmn4.zip and about 12 different skins for multiplayer! 



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Patch Name Description
glq1114.exe GLQuake, makes the original quake run with your 3Dfx card. It almost looks as good as Quake2 with 3Dfx!



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Quake Bots

Patch Name


text file
other reaper files
My favourite bot. If you wanna get your ass raped by a bot, this is for you, this is now the best bot out there but be warned, he is one hell of a player. (on skill 3)
text file
other eliminator files
This is the most advanced bot out there, it actually KNOWS levels etc. you do need to have a couple of utils though to compile the bot, but its well worth it, just read the text file. There are lots of add ons for the bot here.


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Patch Name


text file
I've watched this one develop for a while, and now it is TRULY cool. Fun in Deathmatch also. You can now throw your axe. (you start with 1) you can also pick them up after they have been thrown. they stick in the floor / walls etc.
(not fixed yet)
Yet another cool patch, this one includes new models, and was popular on quakeservers on the net for a while, you can grapple walls and hang from anywhere in the maps and fire rockets at people etc..
text file
PVP updated his mod of the grenade launcher, it enables 3 different select-able modes. Also, only the server needs to have this patch for it to work.By the man, PVP. This patch rulez, btw. Also including a GIBGUN! 
text file
For all you weirdos who actually play decent, this just emulates the Decent flare to a tee. Shoot it at a wall, it lights up, and dies out after 15secs or so..
text file
Homing missiles! of course! kinda fun when you see it telling you who it is homing in on also... the missiles are slowed down a bit, its really funny to watch a missile in a crowded room. 
text file
neet new weapon, new model as well as new sound. have fun with it, impress your friends.


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Server and Deathmatch

Patch Name


ictrk101.zip  The Inner Circle homeys do it the right way, this mod is cool! Adds a random item that really just makes the game waked out.. heh, there is also a .bsp file that goes along with it that rules! new sounds also.
jsfiend.zip  This was sent to me by Mr_D, its great for deathmatch! Whenever you pick up the invulnerability gibs fly all over the place and then you are transformed into a Fiend! You can jump and slash and everything! 
morph2.zip This is fun as all hell, you can transform in to any monster from quake by just hitting a single key, pounding on some dude while being a shambler just about kicks ass.
text file
Something for all you guys who run Quake servers from home. This one lets you change the levels and setting of your server while not actually being at the host computer, very useful!
jsqcmod1.zip  Here is a nice little add on for you fans of team play, Remember sitting there in doom and counting the teammate frags? well this mod will deduct for killing your teammate automatically
qvote27.zip Choose settings on your quakeserver democratically! this lets people vote on particular settings of the quake


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Patch Name


pixel.zip  For all of you whiners out there about the pixelated explosions, this "fixes" that. Not much else, I admit quake looks much different with this patch, but I'm not sure I would call it "better".
text file 
Man, this one is just plain cool, adds shotgun shells to quake, kinda cool to see a guy popping off a few rounds and see the shells fly out and hit the floor, you can thank Quake Command for this patch.
solidmn4.zip  Solid monsters, so when they die they remain solid and can still be gibed when they are there on the ground, personally I think that should have been a feature already in quake, so that's why I did the same sort of patch.


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Patch Name


Dragon.zip Some one just e-mailed me this cool new patch for quake, you should get it cuz its really cool!
here are some of the features that this patch has
- Changes to the monsters: dog -> spider; hellknight -> dragon (that shatters really cool!)
- The new weapons are as follows : Sword, Auto-shotguns, Energy drainer, Pulse cannon, other odds and ends (MORE GIBS!!!) also the spider bites cause blindness really cool!
- This great patch was by Jared 
acbeta1.zip  THE most extensive quakec patch out there. you can fly as in Decent, and have 2 new weapons, new models, new sounds, also included are hangar.bsp (awesome!) and a testarea.bsp
dmcam10.zip Damn cool mod made by DocWilco. you ever notice those points you view from when you finish a map? well this patch lets you check out deathmatches as they happen from these points. auto switching to the action even!
qteam150.zip  If you love teams, you have to get this patch, it comes with 2 seperate maps, one for capture the flag, and one for team play. includes some "tools" to help other people design with these specs.
Chasecam.zip Cool as all hell, kinda like playing Quake with a 3rd person point of view. Sort of like Tomb Raider only better!
KQP210Z.zip  The Killer Quake Patch, it has lots of weapons, blood, gibs and bots all wrapped into a 2.8MB package


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Quake Command is the home of two of the best QuakeC programmers producing patches.

  • To load a QuakeC patch, unzip into a subdir such as quake\patch then at the prompt type quake -game patch