Would you buy a used dress from this woman?

The Monica Lewinsky Webring Home Page


Does She?

Or Doesn't She?

(Only Her President Knows For Sure!)

Welcome to Club Monica!


Where Being a Plus Size Is Never a Minus!

One of our Webring members is getting ready to bake Monica a birthday cake!

(Let's hope she stops sampling the batter, be- fore Monica ends up with a birthday cupcake!)

The Monica Lewinsky WebRing is open to any Netizen who is devoted to pro- moting your favorite Intern and mine.

This is the type of panel you will display on your home page as a member of this Ring:

This Monica Lewinsky Webring site is owned by
Keewaydin, Ringmaster.

Click here for info on how to join the
Monica Lewinsky Webring

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The easiest way to copy the code that creates
this panel is to save this home page as a file.
(Be sure to indicate when you save that you
need the file as "source," not as "text.")

If you then view the saved file, you will see that I have clearly marked the beginning & end of the Webring panel code section. Hopefully, you will be able to "cut" this section, & then "paste" it onto your page using your editor.

If the above procedure does not work for anyone, I am
willing to setup a panel page for you on "Tripod.com."
You can then provide a link from your site to this page.

This works especially well when you use a picture of the panel as the link. I can also provide you with this file, which is simply a graphic version of the entire panel.

As soon as you have a panel up
and running, drop me an E-mail. 

There are a few code changes to make before I can move you from the queue to the actual Miss Lewinsky Webring.

Now Join Already!


Click  Me
For Even More Monica!
