A Love Like No Other

Chapter 16- Realizations

        I saw the look on her face.  She was terrified.  I realized I was in the dark and quickly stepped into the light.  She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was me.
        She was stunning.  It was the first time I had seen her hair down.  She was beautiful as always but this way she looked more natural.  And that nightgown...  Oh my God!  She was even more sexy in that nightgown than in her day gown.  My mind and heart could have stopped right then and there and it wouldn't have made any difference.  I snapped myself out of it.
        "So what do you think of my new toy, Princess?  Better than the knife?"  I said demonstrating my newfound weapon's capabilities.  I was like a child getting a new toy.  It's a guy thing I guess.  We're into weapons and tanks and guns, even if I didn't like what they were used for.  Serena, still recovering giggled.
        "Serena, I came to tell you that I think we should just be..." Serena ran towards me
        "Oh Tuxedo Mask!  I am so glad you are here!"  She wrapped her arms around me.  I dropped the sword and hugged her back.  "Serena, what's wrong?  I heard you were not well.  What happened?"  I could no longer have any hope of telling her that we must only be friends tonight, for she started sobbing into my shirt and it tore my heart in two.
        "Oh, Serena."  I petted her hair with one hand and laid my head down on hers.  I pulled her to the couch where she crawled onto my lap and hid her face in my chest.
        "Oh Tuxedo Mask.  It was terrible!  He did it again!  I do not know how to stop him.  When I saw you, I thought it was him and I realized how easily he could get to me."
        I was puzzled.
        "Serena, who are you so afraid of?"  She sobbed for a while longer and I sat there petting her head and telling her it would be all right.  I had never seen her cry and I wanted to die myself.  I couldn't bear to see her like this.  Finally she stopped and slowly moved away from me.  I reached for a tissue box and I handed her one.  She thanked me and dried her tears.  She would not look me in the eye. A sure sign that Serena was not sure or knew I would not like the words I was about to hear.
        "Do you remember the man you jumped on and saved me from that night in the theatre?" she started.
        "Yes, of course."
        She continued.  "His name is Micah.  He is the Prince of Saturn.  He and I are... engaged."
        A knife went through me.  Any hope, any dream, vanished at that moment.  I was again alone in the world.  I wanted to die then and there.  I felt warm tears fill my eyes, but I held them back.  I could not stop my hands from shaking though.  I don't think Serena noticed how much I was bothered by her last statement.  How could I have been such a fool?  I actually thought that a girl like this would just come walking into my life.  How could I have never considered that a beautiful, rich, powerful, yet sweet girl had no lover?  I felt like crawling in a hole and shriveling.
        My life was over.  When I left here, I would fall on the very sword I had stolen.  I could not do it in front of Serena, though.  She was so innocent.  I could not allow her to see her acquaintance kill himself.  That is what I was to her.  An acquaintance.  The saddest part was is that I knew I would never be more.
        "But..." her voice began to waver, "I do not love him.  I never will love him.  I do not care for him... I cannot even stand him.  He is so cruel!  He hits me and grabs me and..."
        Serena went on to tell me everything Micah had done and said.  Needless to say if a thought could kill, Micah would have died a thousand deaths in under a second.  She leaned over to me again and crawled back in my lap.  This time she laid her head on my shoulder.  "You are the only one I have told, Tuxedo Mask."  She was looking into my eye with her own big teary blue ones.  "You are the only one I feel I can trust."
        A fire went though my body.  She doesn't love him, and she trusts me most!  I was elated!  Talk about emotional roller coasters.  Well, if she wouldn't tell her mother, I was the only one who could do anything.  But what could I do?  Me take on a Prince.  I would be laughed out of the courtroom before I had even spoken a word.
        Despite my newfound confidence, I still knew now that Serena could never love me.  She was a princess and I, a lowly commoner.  The royalty of the other planets could marry whomever they chose.  But Serena was bound by law because of her status.  They had to keep the powerful bloodline pure.  I looked down at the girl in my arms.  It was then that I realized she had stopped avoiding eye contact.  She was looking straight at me.  I tried to lighten the conversation.
        "You must think my place is disgusting if this is what you're accustomed to." I stated with a laugh.  She smiled.  That was a good sign.
        "No.  I like your house because it is so different from mine.  Besides, it is yours.  It is not digesting."
        "Mind if I come HERE more often?" I asked her.  It felt so good to get out of the center.  Sure, it was a nice place, but I didn't realize until now that I had so much to see.
        "No.  Please.  Come over as much as you like." Serena told me emphatically.  The way she said it made her sound like she was practically begging me to come back.  Maybe she did have feelings for me?  No.  Impossible.
        "How about tomorrow night then?" I asked.  I was anxious to see her again.  I knew now that I could never tell her the way I felt about her.  But at the same time, I knew I couldn't tell her that we should just stay friends.  I decided to just take things one day at a time, and whatever happened, happened.  I knew I would always love her, whether or not she loved me.  I did not know how I was going to react when her wedding day came.  I would die.  Especially if she told me she loved him after all.  I never wanted to hear her say she loved anyone but me.  However, I wished for her to be happy above all else.  If Micah made her happy, then that's the man she should be with.
        I left over the balcony's edge and headed home.

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