A Love Like No Other

Chapter 17- A Day To Relax

        Tuxedo Mask started to leave.  I caught his arm just before he left.  He turned to me.
        "I am sorry, Tuxedo Mask, what was your reason for coming here?  I was so caught up in your being here when I needed you, I simply forgot my manners and did not ask why you paid your visit."  He turned to me and put his hands on my shoulders.  Our eyes met for a long moment.  The eyes that I could see was the most beautiful blue I had ever seen and his lashes were the longest I had ever seen.  As he looked at me he said, "It no longer matters."
        With that, he made his way down the balcony to the outside corridor and made his way down the steps.  It was early morning by now and he paused as he passed by the gardens.  ‘I knew he would love them!’ I thought.
        I crawled into bed and tried to sleep.  I drifted in and out of consciousness.  I dreamed of when I was two and I was meeting Prince Darien for the first time.  I saw myself walking over to him in the corner and kissing him.  Except this time,
Darien kissed me back.
        I awoke to the sound of "SEREEEENA!!!!"
        It was Lita.
        "Yeah.  Great way to wake up a sleeping princess, Lita." I heard Mina drawl, chuckling with mock.
        "What are you doing here?" I asked yawning and slowly starting to sit up and stretch.
        "Did you forget?  We were supposed to go to Earth today, Hon." Mina giggled and smiled.
        "Yeah, we're going to Hawaii.  So get up!  Move it!  Let's get going!"
        Before I could protest Lita picked me up and threw me over her shoulder.  I was definitely awake now!  Mina chose a cute summer outfit and bathing suit and set them on my bed.  Meanwhile Lita had set me down in the bathroom and started a shower for me.  I put up my hair considering I had just gotten a shower not seven hours ago and got in quick.  I dressed and we transported to Earth using the Silver Crystal.
        We set up beach chairs and umbrellas on a beach and began covering ourselves in suntan lotion.
        We swam in the warm waters for a while.  We did not bring anything to play with in the water, so we tired of that quickly.  We got out and rinsed off the sand and salt in the public showers along the beach.  We then went back to our chairs and decided to get a great sun tan.
        It did not take long for conversation to turn to my affair with Tuxedo Mask.
        "So how are things going with you and Tux?"  Mina inquired without looking at me.  She had put on shades and was now sitting with a sun reflector in her lap.  I told them the goings on of last night, starting with Micah and ending with Tuxedo Mask.  I informed them that he genuinely cared about me and that Micah was hurting me.  I knew he hated to see me cry.  I was just so glad that he was there for me.
        They both expressed that they were glad I had found someone to care about me.  Mina said she had talked to Raye about the situation with Micah and that she and Sharon were plotting something.  After all, that is what they have been doing since childhood.  They were always planning one scheme or another.
        Then I mentioned my dream.
        "Hey.  Isn't Prince Darien's Memorial close to here?" Lita asked.
        "Yeah.  I haven't been there in a while.  We should go." Mina added.
        We packed up and headed off to the memorial.  When we got there all of us got very quiet.  Lita looked especially sad.  She and Darien used to be best friends.  I felt a pit in my stomach as I remembered Darien.  We stayed there a while and then Mina said, "Listen.  I think we should all treat ourselves to some ice cream.  We're supposed to be having fun.  Not that Darien didn't mean anything to us, but I can't take all this sadness right now."
        I agreed with Mina and we left.  We went to a famous ice cream parlor.  It was Amy's favorite place to go.  That gave me an idea.
        "Do you think we should invite Amy, Raye, and Michelle down?" I suggested.
        "Sounds good." Lita agreed nodding her head slightly as she sipped her milkshake.
        Soon they all arrived.
        "So where are we off to?" Raye inquired.  Raye was always the one looking for adventure and always on the move.
        "Just relax, Raye." Michelle said, "We are in one of the most beautiful places in the whole universe."
        "Not quite as beautiful as Venus." Mina corrected, shooting a look at Michelle as if to say, "My planet's the best."
        Amy came back to our table and sat down.  She had a huge hot fudge sundae in her hands.  "That looks good!" Raye said, grabbing a spoon.  Soon everyone had a spoon and, to Amy's dismay, her sundae was gone.
        Amy was always the forgiving one, though.  She picked up a magazine and started to read.  "Hey you guys!  This looks like so much fun!  We should all go to the beauty and health spa.  It's doesn't seem to be far from here.  What do you think?"
        Needless to say we all opted for the spa.  We got up and started to leave when Raye exclaimed, "Hey!  Where's Lita?"
        We stopped and looked around.  "There she is!"  Mina cried out pointing.
        Lita had stopped to flirt with a boy in the ice cream parlor and was now writing his number down on her hand.  She ran to catch up to us.
        "Who was that?" Mina asked pointedly.
        "His name is Andrew!  Isn't he cute?  He reminds me of my old boyfriend Freddy!"
        The group groaned.  If Frederick had never graced the planet Jupiter, our lives would have been better off.
        We made it to the salon.  I got my nails, hair, and make-up done for the first time in what felt to me like ages.  Everyone seemed to enjoy it.  I had forgotten what it was like just to be with my friends and not have to attend to business.  It seemed I never saw the other princesses except at royal social functions and to have class.  Then there of course was the never ending Court sessions.  It was tedious work.  But now I was just out to have a good time.
        After the spa, we went to Michelle's favorite mall... on Neptune.  I had not been to Neptune since I was four.  It was nice to see it again.  It was always so lush and green there.  We shopped for the rest of the day.  I bought a new pair of earrings and a pair of sunglasses.  It was so unlike me just to let myself relax.  I could not remember the last time I had done anything that was truly just for pleasure.
        We were about to leave the mall when I spotted a nightgown.  It was pure white satin.  The nightgown had lattice ties up the sides and spaghetti-straps with a low neck (actually, it came down so far, it barely covered the mannequin's bust).  With its high side slits, it was the perfect gown.  I ran into the store and tried it on.  It was stunning.  I am sure to get Tuxedo Mask to notice me as more than a friend in this.
        I bought it.  I left the store and returned home.  My friends stayed for dinner.  I was not really paying much attention to the conversation, though.  My mind was already with Tuxedo Mask.  I could not wait until I had him all to myself, tonight.
        When my friends left, I raced to my room.  I went in the bathroom and started retouching my make-up.  I could hear the rain and thunder outside.  I was relieved that I had gotten home in time.  I undid my hair and let it fall over my back and shoulders.  I undressed from my day's clothes and put on my bathrobe.  Luckily, I had gotten a shower in the spa, so I did not need one now.  It was then that I heard the knock on my balcony door.

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