A Love Like No Other

Chapter 21- A Different Perspective

        I knew Serena and Tuxedo Mask had been caught the moment my family and I received an urgent command to meet on the Moon at once.  I did not know what would happen to Tuxedo Mask or Serena.  I felt awful.  They really loved each other.  Didn't that count for anything?
        They had been going out for going on two whole years.  He made her happy.  I personally thought Serena should have told her mother about everything long ago.  But then again, if she had, she might not have had as long with him as she did.
        I arrived on the Moon.  An hour later, I was in court meeting hall.  Everyone was there.  Even the reclusive court members were in attendance.  The last time I had seen this much royalty in one room was when Darien disappeared.  Everyone was properly presented.
"The King and Queen of Mercury and Princess Amy
The King and Queen of Earth
The King and Queen of Jupiter and Princess Lita
The King and Queen of Neptune and Princess Michelle
The King and Queen of Saturn and Princess Helen
The Queen of Venus and Princess Mina
The Queen of Mars and Princess Raye
The Queen of Pluto and Princess Sharon- Guardian of time
The King of Uranus and Princess Alex"
        All of us entered and took our seats.  Each of the planets had alongside them a trusted Ambassador and two Delegates.  Micah was already seated along with a man who must have been Tuxedo Mask.
        Queen Serenity and Serena, followed by their Ambassador, Aurora, took their seats.  We were all sitting in what a world conference room would look like. There were six giant tables at which all of the court was seated according to which planet they were from.  The tables were set up in a rectangle shape.
        Serenity stood.  "Thank you all for coming, as you know from my briefing..." Serenity went on to explain the situation at hand.  I did not hear all that much of it.  I knew the story.  But looking at Tuxedo Mask...  He looked familiar.  I could not figure out where I knew him from.  Then it hit me.  Darien?  Was that Darien sitting over there?  The facial features, the manner, expressions... No.  It couldn't be.  If it were, the Earth royalty would have recognized their son before I did.
        I came out of my thoughts in time to hear the first question.  It was from the Queen of Mercury, "Serena, why did you not stay faithful to Micah, your betrothed?"
        That was when the court shattered.  After the first question Serena spoke with such eloquence and seriousness that the whole Court came to her rescue.  "I have never been one to cause trouble.  I have never stepped out of line in my life.  I have done whatever I was told to do and I did it without complaint.  Then at the age of thirteen, my mother informed me that I was to marry the person I that had regarded as a bully my whole life.  All the children of the Court knew that he was violent.  He had been that way since the day I met him.  However, I did not speak a word of complaint to anyone.  I gave him a chance.  I thought that perhaps he had changed his ways and that he would treat me differently now that I was to be his wife."
        Serena's tone changed from one of fact to one of anger.  "He had not changed.  The first time I was presented to him he molested me and tried to take advantage of me.  I was able to fight him off, but he had made his intentions clear.  He told me I was nothing to him but a nice body and a way to power and that I should be grateful that he was marrying me, because if he did not, I would have no one else I could marry."
        She paused then started talking in a calm, but menacing voice.  "When I met him, he touched me.  When he was angry, he beat me.  When I was tired, he used me.  When I was hurt, he abused me.  When I cried, he laughed at me.  When I fought back, he threatened me.
        When he touched me, I said nothing.  When he beat me, I said nothing.  When he used me, I said nothing.  When he abused me, I said nothing.  When he laughed at me, I said nothing.  When he threatened me, I said nothing.  And now you all have the audacity to sit here and call ME unfaithful."
        The planet Earth was the first to speak.  "Believe her, Serenity.  I did not believe my son, and look what happened to him!" the Queen pleaded.
        "This is outrageous!  She is lying through her teeth!  Don't you see that she is just making this up to give her a better excuse to be with him?"  Micah pointed at Tuxedo Mask.
        "That's not true!  I have seen Micah hit Serena!" Mina piped up.
        "My daughter is right.  I have been sensing hostility in his heart against Serena for a long while." the Queen of Venus said.  "Her love is pure, so I thought nothing of it.  But now it is evident that that pure love is intended for another."
        "My son is not an abuser!" The King of Saturn yelled.
        "How do you know?" Sharon demanded.
        "Serena could be making this up." The King of Uranus stated.
        "I am not a liar!" Serena declared.
        "Are too!" Micah attacked.  What was he, three?
        "You are the liar, Micah.  Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I yelled.
        "If we could all just calm down..." The Queen of Mercury sighed.
        The entire courtroom was in an uproar.  Tuxedo Mask just sat in the corner, motionless.  Poor guy.  I thought.  All he did was love a girl.
        Serenity set off a flash that went through the courtroom, silencing everyone.
        "I am going to leave with Micah.  This session will recommence after my interrogation and I have reached a conclusion on his guilt or innocence."
        Serenity left with the guards, bringing Micah behind.  Everyone stayed put.  We all knew it would not take long for Serenity to discern a lie from the truth.
        A half-hour later Serenity returned with Micah.  Serenity raised her head. "Aurora, please escort Helen outside."  Aurora took Helen out and when the door was shut Serenity continued.
        "It is my conclusion, that Micah has abused Serena exactly as she claimed.  I saw in his mind thoughts of what he wanted and what he had done to try and get it.  Serena did not tell me of her troubles for the reason that I might be disappointed." she turned to her daughter, "Serena, I would have never wanted any of that to happen to you.  I am so sorry."
        Serena had tears in her eyes.  "It is all right now, Mother." she replied.
        "It is therefore my duty to carry out according to the law what is right.  The punishment for molesting of a princess, attempted murder, lying in a Court session, and abusing power, is execution.  This sentence will be carried out five days from now."
        Micah's parents had to agree.  They were rather upset, as most parents would be.  It was a complete shock to all the adults in the room.  He was rather two-faced.  The Micah I knew and the Micah they knew, were two very different people.  I could tell Serena was upset for them and the fact that they had to be in pain, but I could sense that she was happy to finally be rid of her aggressor.

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