A Love Like No Other

Chapter 22- Hope Springs Eternal

        The trial for me was torture.  I was being labeled a criminal for loving a wonderful person.  It was nothing that I hadn't expected, though.  To the people in that court, I was nothing more than a gold digger.  I couldn't blame them.
From their standpoint, I looked pretty bad.  Taking an abused girl's emotions and making it all better by manipulating her into believing that I loved her.  That way I could get her power and money, two things I lacked.
        Well, that is the way it looked.  They had no idea that I would love Serena just as much if she were penniless.  I was glad that Micah was going to be executed, though.  I had been torn apart all those nights she would cry in my arms.  When she cries, my world is upside-down.  That was the hardest part about this trial.  It wasn't what hardships it brought on me.  I would gladly endure any amount of pain for Serena.  But watching her cry was more than I could bear.  That was torture enough for me.  All I wanted to do was take her in my arms and make all of her worries fade away.
        The trial was good for one thing.  I thought I recognized the Earth royalty.  A personal memory, not one from a book.  And Lita.  I saw her and knew her.  I knew her!  I didn't know from where or when, but she and I had been friends.  Come to think of it, all of the princesses did.  But it was so far off, sort of like a dream that you can't remember.
        I was in my room when a flash of light entered my eye.  I turned from the window to see Raye, Lita, Mina, Sharon, Michelle, Alex, and Amy standing and sitting in various positions.
        Most men in my position would have been overjoyed.  Seven beautiful princesses all in my room at once.  However, I just wanted to be alone.
        "You flashed?" I said.  A few of the girls giggled.  I was more annoyed than joking.
        "Yes, Tuxedo Mask, we did." Alex stated.
        "Why?" I pried.
        "We want to know what's really going on." Raye told me.
        "Yeah.  So do you love her?  I mean love her like, marriage type of love." Lita asked.
        "Oh yes!" I said, heartbroken, sitting on my bed and putting my face in my hands.  "I love her so much that I want to die because we're apart.  You don't understand.  I can't live without her in my life.  She IS my life." I told them.  I heard a chorus of "Oh"'s and "How cute"'s and it made me sick.  That has to be the most annoying thing about women to men.  Why is it that everything nice you do for another girl results in some high pitched noise?  Here I was pouring out my deepest emotions to a bunch of strangers and all they could muster was a bunch of girlie noise?
        "We'll do everything we can to help.  Here's a message from Serena." Mina said.  I anxiously took the letter and set it down beside me.  I knew if I read it now, I would break down.  I looked at Lita.  "Do I know you from somewhere?"
        Lita seemed surprised by the question.  "Maybe.  I gotta feeling of déjà vu with you too.  Were you born on Earth?"
        "No.  It was either Jupiter or the Moon." I told her.
        "Oh.  Then you aren't who I thought you could be." she said with some disappointment.
        "So, where did you come from?" Sharon inquired, folding her arms across her chest.
        "Look, no offense but I would really prefer not to talk about my personal life with all of you.  I don't even know you.  How do I know I can trust you?"
        Some of them looked puzzled.  Raye was the first to speak.  "You.  Not trust us?  Excuse me, but WE are not the ones on trial here for a possible charge of manipulating royalty.  And here we are in your room, trying to see if we can help you and YOU'RE the one not able to trust us?!"  Raye was obviously angry at me.  She must have thought I was saying that I couldn't trust them because they were who they were.  None of them understood what my life had been like.  I sighed.  There was nothing that I could say to make them understand without telling them everything.
        I began talking.  I told them of how I had hidden myself away from people and why.  I also mentioned the fact that when I was seen, I was attacked.  I explained everything, from the way I saved Serena, to falling in love with her, to my theories about human behavior.  They all sat in shock as I explained my life.  I knew that none of them had ever endured hardship as far as wondering if they'd be alive tomorrow and it was probably the first time they had talked to someone who HAD been through it.  I explained how much the trial was hurting Serena and me and how much I hated to see her upset.  Amy started to cry.
        "That's the saddest story I've ever heard."  I half smiled.  These girls really WERE sheltered.
        Soon, they left, all feeling pity for Serena's and my situation.  At least I might now have a chance at beating this thing.  With all the Princesses pulling for Serena and me, it would be a lot easier.  I loved Serena too much and now I had a glimmer of hope that we might be able to be together.

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