Robots In Disguise
Optimus Prime: Predacons
Megatron: Car Robots(Toys not part of the RID toyline) Cybertrons
JRX: Destrongers
Baldigus: Gen 1 Re-releases (Japan Only)
Original Convoy (Optimus Prime):
Welcome to the Robots In Disguise page. The Robots In Disguise toyline was originally a Japanese toyline called Car Robots. This toyline introduces Earth vehicles back into the Transformers. The toys are great and are HIGHLY poseable. Click on the Transformer that you want to check out on your left. Click here to see what toys will be included in the toyline, and at what prices. RID Toyline Information:
*The cartoon will be the Car Robots cartoon from Japan dubbed in English and shown on Fox Kids this fall. Click here to see the RID toys, the NEW Packaging, and some more info on the Robots In Disguise toyline. Thanks goes out to Rik Ruff for the use of the toy pictures.