Responding to God

Worship is a transforming response of adoration and obedience to God's revelation of who He is.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire."

Hebrews 12:28-29

Worship Leader Phil McConnell

A Family At Worship

The Foothills family gathers to worship God, bringing 5 generations, many denominations, and various ethnic cultures together with one Spirit.

Pastor David Smith with our children

There are many elements utilized in any worship setting that bring the worshiper and God together. Music has always been a vital ingredient to worship that connects the heart of God with the heart of man. God has and will continue to inspire beautiful music. We celebrate with psalms, hymns, and spritual songs. Some of which are written by our own family members.

Prayer is our vital link to the Father, through which we fellowship with Him heart to heart.

The preaching of the timeless Word of God inspires, teaches, and calls God's people to personal mission. The use of creative and artistic expression can also be a "preaching" tool. The message of Jesus is told in many ways. No one person hears or responds in exactly the same manner to the Word of God.

The element of fellowship is that connection we feel through the Spirit of God with each other. Authentic worship will reveal God's true nature to people who are not afraid to be truthful with Him and each other.

Each service is an active response of true worshipers to the love of a real and personal God. These elements are extremely important in the ministry of worship.

They are all good and it's all about Him!

These are some of our opportunities for worship leadership:

Worship Through Music

L.I.G.H.Team (Living Images Glorifying Him Team)

Display Art

Children's Worship

Audio-Visual Ministry

Community in Worship

Join us for our main worship service at 10:30 AM.

Our evening service is devoted completely to prayer at 6:00 PM.

We hope to see you at Foothills.


[Pray for me]