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MekeMeke News

Sept 98 Back to Current News

Oct 3, 1998
We haven't received Akachan to Boku 1-2 + Mahoujin GuruGuru yet. Someone (*ahem* Joey *ahem*) flaked and there's been a delay. While we burn him at the stake, the tape should be arriving next week. Sorry for the delay.

Oct 10, 1998
Available Titles page has been updated.
New title: Akachan to Boku 1-2 + Mahoujin Guru Guru movie. These titles will be on the same tape (90 minutes total), and Team Abcb added previews for all of their upcoming live-action movies (30 mins).

Title removed: AIKa 1-4. CPM bought the rights to the AIKa series, so please buy their tapes. For those who've already sent in your payments, but have not received your tapes in the mail, it should be arriving in a few days. The last batch was dubbed last week, and we will no longer take requests for AIKa.

Oct 12, 1998
Added story synopsis & review (no spoilers) to some of the titles. All comments are our opinions, and there will be some out there who disagree. If you're picky about the quality of subtitling and translation, you might find it useful. (We're picky. Call us "Ungrateful Non-Subbers" *grin*)

Temporarily Removed Title: Detective Conan 9-12. Our SVHS copy needs to be replaced. Will be back shortly (we hope).

Oct 13, 1998
Commentary: Forgot to note that we passed the 1000-hits point, which is amazing since we're only linked from two other pages. Maybe we'll get more hits once we get listed on the AniPike (nah). Thank you for your support and interest!

We have some access to the SVHS libraries of AWest and Team Abcb, so if you see a title listed there (non-commercialized, of course) and isn't listed here, and you really want it, let us know. We distribute.. only because they don't.

Oct 20, 1998
Sorry, we haven't received either "Angel's Egg + Twilight Q2.." or "Fake" yet. So we're pushing back the expected-dates to end of October. We don't know the progress of the other titles listed, so they'll probably be pushed back to mid Nov.

Team Abcb is finally working on one of the live-action movies! We won't tell you which title (no pre-orders), but expect it by the end of the year.

We're thinking of adding "Violinist of Hameln 1-4" and "Kodomo No Omocha 1-4" to our list if there is some interest. Let us know if you'd be interested (no obligations).

Added information and review on a few more titles on our list.

Oct 28, 1998
We've received "Fake" from Hana Yori Anime. For those who have pre-ordered, you should be getting your copy by early next week. Thanks for waiting.

Since people were asking.. Yes, we do trade. We prefer SVHS to SVHS trades, but will do VHS tradings. E-mail us!

Nov 98

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