This about 170 of my Beanies. This picture was taken in 1999. The reason I have not updated this is because it is SUCH a pain in the neck to drag all of my beanies out for a pic and put em all back agian.As of 6/06 I have gotten rid of ( donated to charity) about 75% of my beanies since I moved out.

In case you cant see.. the top row includes: from left to right: Hope, Signiture bear, Millenium, Curly,Erin, Osito, Bronty ( the brontosaurus) Glory, Libearty,Maple, Germania, Britania, Valentina, and Halo. 2nd row - Princess, Teddy, Chops, Garcia, Peace, Fuzz, Holiday 98 teddy, Holiday 97 teddy, Valentino,Fortune, Clubby 2, & Clubby 1 ( I have from 97 retires forward + Bronty, sliter, bumble, old face zip and all gold nip)One of My favorites is a black faced lamb named Chops.

Also, I am tying to find some Beanies, but havent had any luck. I'm looking for Rex, and Trap. They dont have to be in mint, but good condition.

Of course there are all the buddies and teenie beanies too which I have yet to get an updated pic of. I have also given away a lot of these as well, but kept a few to hold on to. I have had most of the buddies at one time or another. I have international ones, regular, retired etc. I have all the teenies too - I have kept a set but since I had so many extra have used some as cat toys.. LOL they work great for that. Thats about it. I rarely collect them anymore, but may pick up one or two if it looks cute enough.

Also the picture below is of my japanese bear, Sakura. Below that is a picture of Maple, Glory and Libearty.

More links

back to my web page:
Ty's Beanie Baby page: this is the web page made by the TY inc, and has the list of all the beanies, and lots more. Check it out!
My Worldsaway web page!: I'm working on it still, but takea peak anyway! :)
Beanie Baby Handbook by Sue and Les Fox: This is a good reference book for Beanies!

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