They sacrificed their life for give it to the others and we shall not quit carry them in every attitude.

  • Albizu Campos, Pedro We must base claims against United States of America as compensation because of the huge damages systematically and cool-blooded perpetrated against a peaceful and defenseless nation.

  • Allende, Salvador. Social prcesses aren't stopped neither by crime, neither by force.




  • Boff, Leonardo And it only became sweet and good when it was shared (quite frank) with those starving Children and Dogs.


  • Cabañas, Lucio. Through the southern roads...



  • Che Guevara, Ernesto Figthing for the new man.



  • Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah Ayatollah Ruhollah Kohmeini.



  • Peltier, Leonard and neutralize them...


  • Primera, Alí I am militant of the dreams




  • Torres, Camilo Camilo Torres
  •   English.

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