Middle Class


Janene Gentile
Graham Everett
Demoy Shilling


Tour Schedule




1810  born   Frederick-Francois
     Chopin begs at six   piano lessons
On his eighth birthday, Fritz's piano touch
        soft    magic
          the same would ensorcell
close listeners  all short life long.

Favored son of Polish nobility
Chopin plays patriotic nocturnes
          the world opens
Austrian snow     gold     lace
     music     blue horse     music
          silver lake.
His long fingers charm the ladies.

1831  Warsaw porcelain's overthrown
Chopin emigrates     arrives in Paris
     third week ninth month.
          Introduced around
Chopin plinks highs for powdered faces, francs, and
fame.  Chopin plays the dandy, silver-lined capes
          flutter     trickle     flow     fall
     forest light    diamond sparkle     crystal green
               Time is a lie!

Waltz D-flat major.  Concerto no. 2, F-minor Opus 21.
Polonaise Brillante for cello and piano.
Mazurkas.  Fugues.  Sonatas.
Marya's dance, dream, legs of love.

A romantic elitist, Chopin is popular
in Paris parlor scene, friends with vivant artiste Franz Liszt.
Chopin courts George Sands, free woman, novelist
and lives openly in the full light
composing raptures, coughing blood.

For health, warmth and work, Chopin goes to Spain,
island of Majorca, with continentale Sand.
Piano-less awhile, Chopin feels better till Catholics
ostracize entourages as immoral and sick...

          Damp rain     coastline     rain
               (Scherzo C-sharp Opus 39).
Chopin rides with swine home to France
where he dies slow, eleven years consumptive
     Chopin gulps opium, sugar and gum water,
rubs forehead with Eau de Cologne.

1840     Chopin does not play in public.
He hears rumors that he's dead
and plans grand comeback concert  April 24, 1841

     Patten-leather pumps the pedals: dreams   hopes   fears
quiet words with the piano    Encore    Encore
seven good years          setback, cast off by George
Chopin spits blood two days

On tour in Scotland, in England Chopin meets the greats:
Dickens     Carlyle     Lady Lovelace
     November 16, 1848    Guild Hall, London
onstage afire with fever before bored chatting audience
Chopin's last appearance in public    anywhere

Chopin lays in a Paris room facing south, dirges ring his ears.

October 1849 his last word plus [no more]
On the 17th Chopin dies     early morning
     stiffening profile sketched
          death mask          hand casts

Delacroix     pallbearer     fabulous funeral is put on hold
     Female singers usually not permitted at the Mandeline
demand 200 francs to sing Mozart's Requiem.

Dead thirteen days,     Chopin is buried
     quietly       at his request
beating time            the black and white keys

Page Updated: 6/12/00