Everybody seems to be bitching these days.
Females are shoe-stomping masculine power hungry warriors.
Males are wimpy old ladies to the bone. Did somebody forget to tell them how to be men?
Have men spent all their time with castrating mothers or what?
And speaking of limp dicks, why is the medical association screaming about cigarette smoking and blaming nicotine for everything that has ever gone wrong with human bodies?
Drinking is what makes a dick limp and long years of drinking will take the stiff out to where it never makes it up again.
Too many guys don't seem to know what end their brains are. They don't have a head at both ends. They have asses and useless pieces of meat both between their legs and on their shoulders.
In the romance scene where they say love and mean sex and wage a war of 'poor little me', they have started to substitute monetary value for the top priority of what they want in a woman.
American men have always had a problem of lack of understanding about sex, love, romance, role-playing, etc.
Who ever started the stupidity that big boobs make the woman? Why do guy treat breasts as though they were two fat dicks? Why are so many guys currently trying to flip the females over to sneak into the wrong passage as in the out-door? What, they watch dogs and can't really see what is going on? I can't believe how stupid guys are about sex. Most of the old farts have gotten to the pointless point where they expect the female to do all the 'work'. They then act as though they have accomplished something that should be rewarded in some way.
The guys worship boobs as though they were something that would be wonderful if there wasn't anything else attached.
Women used to have bigger boobs in the days that women were allowed to be women. When women worked in the home and on the family owned property and didn't try not to have children, they spent most of their lives pregnant or nursing. They didn't have to worry about monthly periods then.
Not many women are informed enough nowadays to even know that women don't have bloody periods and PMS while they are pregnant or in lactation of nursing a child.
Men used to have the authority to be the head-of-household in their families. They didn't do all the work but they got more of the credit for it. They had more responsibility but they delegated much of it to family members or to hired help. They got respect for what they and their families accomplished and reputations for being slackers if they didn't accomplish anything or let their families down.
Has television watching helped peoples minds to go to some sort of sleeping while awake phase?
Where is peoples common sense?
Does anybody know where their brains are all the mental power that they have and where the spirit or soul adds to it or not?
I don't like females/women. There are lots of reasons for that and it cannot be changed in my present lifetime. I have two brothers and two sons(from the same father of both of them who was my husband for 20 years) and that means no sisters and no daughters until I get daughters-in-law. My maternal grandmother was sort of a mother to me and I was named for her on my birth certificate. She and I got along fine and had many of the same tastes and characteristics in common. We were different but we were alike in a few ways including what she called 'the sight' or 'veil'.
The people who have stalked me and try to talk to me through their amplification of their radio adapted speech that has been adjusted to the subliminal sound range have bragged that they killed my grandmother earlier this year at the nursing home where she was living her 91st year of life. She had osteoporosis but I probably won't get it because I have to carry two big satchels of personal belonging around that I don't want the stalkers and house breakers to mess with, such as my computer connections and identification papers and toothbrush and that sort of thing.
The medical association doesn't tell people that low cholesterol will give people a vulnerability to diseases such as arthritis and liver damage and some other things.
In my study of herbs I found an herb that speeds up the metabolism and helps the thyroid.
There are many very beneficial herbs that the pharmaceuticals don't want people to know about.
Currently for financial reasons all I am taking is vitamin C and sometimes some vitamin B6.
Many of the things that I know would be useful in a survival type situation. I might never need what I know and am capable of.
After a very good life of about 40 years some retarded, criminal, human shit decided that I should spend the rest of my life suffering because of their jealousy.
I have been married 3 times though the most recent marriage only lasted 2 months and was the sorriest nightmare of hell with a human shit who wanted to use the alimony and child support money that I had been getting when he met me to finance his addiction to dirt track racing. He told a bunch of lies about what he planned and then went into shock when he figured out that the money that I had been getting stopped coming in at the time that I married him and released my ex-husband from the til death or remarriage monetary support.
The first guy that I married while in college was a virgin and so was I. We didn't do a test drive and found that his dick was too big to use in me. It was bigger than a Pringle can and not useful to me.
Dateing has changed and it seems to me now that so many guys are looking for a warm body for a night or less. They still have that most basic of needs that everybody is born with to snuggle up to human skin and listen to the quiet heartbeat and breathing. They too often have never learned the pleasures of real sexual passion and are not capable of it because they never graduated to that stage of development.
Links Copyright @1997 Miki Terry