The Complete Book of Rug Hooking
by Joan Moshimer
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $10.47
You Save: $4.48 (30%)
Availability: This title
usually ships within
2 - 3 days.
My Review:
This is a wonderful book for learning to make your own hooked
rugs (full size). It is packed with information and has many
great photos of antique and modern hooked rugs. I highly
recommend it. (Prices subject
to change - please check the price listed at Amazon.com for the
exact price at time of purchase).
American Hooked and Sewn Rugs: Folk Art Underfoot
by Joel Kopp, Kate Kopp
List Price: $29.95
Our Price: $29.95
Availability: Special Order
This title usually ships within 3 to 5 weeks. Please note that special order titles occasionally go out of print, or publishers run out of stock. These hard-to-find titles are not discounted and are subject to an additional charge of $1.99 per book due to the extra cost of ordering them. We will notify you within 2-3 weeks if we have trouble obtaining this title.
Used books are available as well.
My Review:
If you are researching antique hooked rugs, this is the book for you. It is loaded with full color photos of antique rugs. It fully discusses the history of rug hooking. This is very good book which I have in my own collection. (Prices subject
to change - please check the price and availability listed at Amazon.com for the
exact price at time of purchase).
Rug Hooking for the First Timer
by Donna Lovelady
List Price: $19.95
Our Price: $13.97
You Save: $5.98 (30%)
Availability: This title
usually ships within
2 - 3 days.
My Review:
With easy-to-follow instructions plus dozens of photographs, worksheets, patterns, and projects, any beginner can create beautiful rugs and other hooked decorative items. From preparing, dying, and cutting the wool to making and transferring patterns, all the fundamentals are here. Learn to hook a simple design on a Checkerboard Pillow; add a border and practice finishing techniques on a Circle and Star Rug; hook a face on a Rug Doll. Go beyond the basics and try larger, more detailed projects. Turn rugs into wearables. Use polka dots or a thin strip of wool tied onto a bow to make textured pieces even more dimensional. Even create a theme for a room by repeating motifs throughout the décor--a Teddy Bear Pillow goes naturally with a matching Wall Hanging and Floor Rug. And there's a lot more, too, from table mats and purses to an unusually-shaped Welcome Rug! (Prices subject
to change - please check the price listed at Amazon.com for the
exact price at time of purchase).
Victorian Cottage Rugs: How to Hook 16 Traditional Patterns
by Pat Hornafius
Availability: This title
usually ships within
1 - 2 days.
Used books available from $19.95
(Prices subject
to change - please check the price listed at Amazon.com for the
exact price at time of purchase).
Hooked on Cats: Complete Patterns and Instructions for Rug Hookers
by Joan Moshimer
List Price: $19.95
Our Price: $13.97
You Save: $5.98(30%)
Availability: This title
usually ships within
24 hours.
Amazon.com book description:
Back by popular demand, "Hooked on Cats" takes you step by step through a variety of styles and patterns and provides advice on capturing the look of cat fur, whiskers, eyes, and noses. Complete basic projects in a short time or use dye formulas and design hints to create your own rugs. Includes: tips and techniques from a renowned rug hooker; ten complete patterns with step-by-step instructions; a full-color gallery of rugs both old and new; special dyeing techniques; how to hook fur, whiskers, and more. (Prices subject
to change - please check the price listed at Amazon.com for the
exact price at time of purchase).
Rug Hooking Motifs for the "But I Just Can't Draw" Crowd, First Edition
by Ramona Cann
List Price: $30.00
Price: $30.00
Availability: This title
usually ships within
2 - 3 weeks.
Amazon.com book description:
RUG HOOKING MOTIFS for the But I Just Can't Draw Crowd includes over 500 traditional folk images which can be copied, enlarged, or reduced to create a personalized ready-to-hook rug pattern. This compilation of sketches is designed for rug hookers who want to create their own designs but who are untutored in art or who lack drawing skills. It is not a book about the principles of design, but rather a tool. Ramona's simple and detailed steps take the would-be designer from the book motifs to a personalized and finished design.
(Prices subject
to change - please check the price listed at Amazon.com for the
exact price at time of purchase).
The Rug Hook Book: Techniques, Projects And Patterns For This Easy, Traditional Craft
by Thom Boswell
List Price: $17.95
Our Price: $12.57
You Save: $5.38 (30%)
Availability: This title
usually ships within
24 hours.
(Prices subject
to change - please check the price listed at Amazon.com for the
exact price at time of purchase).
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