Musical Instruments - Dealers

All Types PA & Lighting Rental Service & Installation --- 647-3375
Beats & Bytes - 20 Bayside Dr ------------------------------ 652-2274
D&D Sound & Lights - 5 Duke ------------------------------ 634-8806
East-Coast Music Services -----------------------------------672-9073
Gerry Rogers Instrument Repair Service ------------------- 672-2774
Helen's Music - 135 Waterloo -------------------------------657-2790
HQ Lighting & Sound - 164 Union --------------------------693-4747
Hugga Guitar - 2 McLean ----------------------------------- 672-2937
Instument Repair Service ----------------------------------- 672-2774
Jay's Musik Shoppe - Fairvale Shopping Mall ------------- 849-5297
Morris Music Ltd - 110 Crown ------------------------------ 672-5556

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