function addChant() { var chant=prompt("whatcha wanna say over n over till ya annoy the shit outta people:")if(chant!=null) { Chat.addChannelMessage(" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" "+chant+" ") }} function addDrunk() {var pop3 = prompt("Type some stupid shit here...C'mon just do it ya fucker"); if (pop3 != null) Chat.addChannelMessage("/me , in a drunken stupor...jumps up on a table and starts screamin: "+pop3+"!") } function addfreak() { Chat.addChannelMessage("/me is lookin for the nastiest, freakiest, most depraved sick fucker around... but since the QUEEN ain't here...will settle for whoever") }

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