About Site-Guide

Updated TML Specification Version 1.1 (DRAFT) © Copyright 1999: All Rights reserved

The tree contol you see on the left hand side of your browser,  is the Site Guide. .This applet is rated as TOP!! by JARS. Jars is an independent body which reviews Java applets all over the web.  This applet provides and overview of my site and also, other links which I want. I developed this using JDK 1.1.4 and soon, intend to put a JDK 1.1 version of this applet as well on my home page as well. This uses a something called Tree Markup Language (TML) defined by me,  using which the hierarchy of the site can be defined using a script similar to HTML. The Tree Control is written using Pure Java Code. So this applet will run on any platform with the same look and feel. I've been writing many Java applets, Java Beans and Java Applications so  far. This is one of the ambitious applets, which I've completed.
        The current applet which you see in Left hand side is a Java 1.02 compliant applet. However, the Java 1.1 version of the same applet is better and elegant in many ways. Please do send feedback/suggestions about the Site Guide applet to me at nagendra@home.com
    If *you* also like Java, visit the site below.  This is an organisation of Java programmers like me who're commited to Java's success and it's Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA) promise
    Unite for Java - Java Lobby http://www.javalobby.org

Example TML file (Draft):
<ICONS FILE=file COUNT=number of icons ICONWIDTH=30></ICONS>
<NODE ID=1 PARENT=0 TEXT="Links" HELP="Other Links"
<NODE ID=2 PARENT=1 TEXT="Yahoo" LINK=http://www.yahoo.com
    HELP="Yahoo-a popular Search Engine"
will generate a Tree ...

Syntax Reference (Draft - I will be changing /extending this soon)

NODE Tag Descreption (Draft): More About the TML file syntax.
    I thought up of the TML syntax for specifying hierarchical strucutres in a script. This will help me to define the structure of the tree which has to be displayed. I thought up of the Ticker concept for the status-bar so that nay lengthy description can be shown in a small portion of the screen. Besides, the ticker is situated at the top which is why it is more visible. People hardly look at status-bars when working. (Another of my favourite subject is designing ergonomical  User Interfaces).
    The parser of this file currently is very basic parser with its set of glitches. But it is up and running :) Neverthless, I am planning to improve on it soon. Currently, this is useful for small to medium sites. I am planning to extend it in such a way that only protions of the tree that need to be shown are be loaded, when they're expanded. This will help this Site-Gide to manage EXTRA-LARGE sites with hundereds of documents.
    For the next step, I am planning to write a Java application which will generate TML files visually. But for that there still is a lot of time :) ...

Nagendra R Setty

See Also : Clock Java Bean developed by me
               Ticker Widget/Applet developed by me
