Rules & Regulations
(1) Pictures can be no larger than 2 inches by 2 inches, and under 10K. No animated pictures.
This is a fairly simple rule to follow, being that pictures aren't all that
neccessary to RP, and are just a nicety.
(2) If youve been to the other chat rooms, you might notice that sometimes,
characters have the words *outside* in their taglines. However, since this
is a forest, and most RPing and interactions take place "outdoors" you
will have to put *inside _____* in your tagline, if you are in a building, cave,
or some other structure. Or if you are outside, please indicate where your character is in the forest itself. If you are able to be more accurate with this,
say by putting *inside Gwaelin's Tavern* please do so. (*See Locations)
(3) Ressurrections have always been a hot topic to debate, due to the
conflictions between various gaming systems. To have them? Or not to have
them? We have come up with a compromise. If your character has been unfortunately
killed, you may be resurrected, but only under certain circumstances. First,
the resurrection must be believable, and played out well. Second, if your
soul has been permanently destroyed, or captured by mystical means, you
will not be able to be brought back. The body must also be in reasonably good shape in order for the resurrection to work. A corpse with no head, or that has been diced to tiny pieces will not work. Any sustained injuries the character had in death would be with them when they are revived, and could possibly kill them again unless taken care of beforehand. Third, if you are killed, then brought
back, then killed again, you may not be brought back a second
time. Thats it. Youre flat out dead. Two strikes and youre out. This last
bit does not neccessarily need to be followed, but its good etiquette to
make people believe that your resurrection wasnt cheap if you choose to
make your character give up something to be brought back, such as memory,
powers of speech, hearing, etc...
(4) Unless it is an essential part of a campaign, there are no
demi-gods, gods, angels, or demons allowed in Silvermoon Chat. They are
too powerful, difficult to play too, and make for poor RPing choices. You
may dissagree on this, but what fun is it to play an all-powerful god?
There is no challenge, nor thrill at having thousands of spells, weapons,
and powers at your disposal. They balance the integrity of any game badly,
and are frowned upon by most good RPers.
(5) Unless you are bringing a character to visit from Glenshadows or
IWT or any other RPG room on the WBS and/or have been playing them for
a long time, please do not use very powerful characters in Silvermoon Chat,
such as a 45th level Bladesinger or Drow Wardancer, dragons of immense size, arch-liches who command vast armies of the undead and are masters of the universe, 2nd generation vampires, etc...these are examples, and I think you all know when you are crossing the line from suitable to too powerful. When creating a character
for this room, please make them from low-level to moderate to start out
with. Trust me, it is more fun to start out with a wimpy character and
watch them slowly develop into well-rounded, seasoned fighters and accumulate
fame and wealth. Also, if you wish to try and bring stats from gaming modules
such as AD&D into the room, please be advised that this is a diceless
room, and many RPers here do not neccessarily follow any system. To get
to the point, a human fighter from AD&D whos natural speed stat is
so high they can outrun a horse will be downsized to a realistic level,
given the simple common sense fact that even the fastest human being cannot
outrun a horse, this notion is simply rediculous. Other obvious examples
is a man punching through a wall of steel or being able to lift up a large
dragon simply because they boast a high strength stat.
(6) Although WBS has put the option to use large fonts on their system,
please do not use them here. They do not get the attention you desire,
and will more than likely get you tossed in ingore by more than one irate
RPer. It is also unadvisable to use the red font since most people complain it hurts the eyes and is generally hard to read. So if someone requests that you do not use red, please be polite and oblige them.
(7) Do not use in-character private messages to other characters. PMing
another character that you threw a dagger at them is not good role-play,
as if you do it out in the open, other characters should be able to see
it and try to stop that dagger.
(8) If you are having trouble with another person on the chat room,
i.e., OOC harrassment, promptly throw them in ignore. There should be no
trouble with this, and WBS 911 should never have to be used, except in
the case of Imps and pic-bombers.
(9) The setting for this chat room is a medieval fantasy, and as such,
no futuristic characters, such as a cyborgs, robots, cops from New York
City, Jedi Knights, or any other Star Wars/Star Trek characters will not be
permitted. (However, if your character wishes to create something in the
order of a crude, one-shot flintlock pistol or anything among those lines,
they are welcome to try) This might not be a popular rule, but it will
balance the role-playing in the chat room. If you want to play a Jedi knight,
go to Glenshadows or IWT where this is accepted, because it will not be
(10) Although the hosts can be killed IC, OOC what they say goes as
far as a judgment on a rule. Respect their rulings, and comply with rules
with minimal grumbling. If you really have a problem with a host, do not
be afraid to e-mail me with the problem. (Or if its an in-character problem,
get people together and promptly oust them. *evil snicker*)
(11) For obvious reasons, we do not allow characters from books, movies, etc... in Silvermoon Forest. Three Raistlin and four Drizzt clones running around is very confusing and can cause conflict, not to mention unoriginal thought on the part of the person playing the character. Not even getting into copyrights. To make it short, unless you're Margaret Weis, do not play Raistlin in Silvermoon...use your imagination and think up your own character.
(12) When casting a magic spell, you must take at LEAST two posts
to do so, and you must give the intended victim (if there is one) a chance to respond in between posts. This being that it takes time for you to chant and so forth, plus it allows the intended victim (if it is the case) a chance to disrupt it. When deciding how many posts you should take for any certain spell, use judgment in thinking of the power and complexity of the spell in mind. The most weak of spells would take 2-3 posts, while maybe more powerful ones would be upwards of 4-5 posts in length.
(13) The recruitment of groups will NOT be permitted, as they more
often than not serve no purpose. What I mean by group is along the
lines of HAVOC, Shadow Clan, and Eternal Guardians which to this day have not done any noticeable positive services to their respective rooms. Sporting your affiliation and/or need of recruits in your taglines and such will be frowned upon.
(14) If you plan to have a character set up permanent residence anywhere in the forest, such as constructing a cabin or a house, or even just claiming that it was there all along, you must e-mail one of the hosts first and ask their permission to do so. The purpose of this rule is to keep the forest from being dotted with several houses and the like. There is a reason why the elves stick to the far end of the forest, and together: trolls. A cabin way out in the middle of the woods is just waiting to be raided by trolls. In any case if you are not sure of something, ask.
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