The Silvermoon Elves

The elves of Silvermoon are by nature, a reclusive people who enjoy their solitude, and are wary of outsiders. They are in most ways unlearned in the ways of the outside world, and many never even venture outside of the protection of the forest, so strong is the belief that they have everything they need for life in their home. They are a simple folk who enjoy the basic pleasures and toils of life. Fishing, hunting, and gardening on a small scale are their primary ways of coming by food, and at least three times a year they send a small group of emissaries to the city of Mor Eles, laden with quality goods of elven craftsmanship in order to gain other materials that they would otherwise be unable to obtain, such as precious metals for weapons and buildings and the like, as well as the occasional exotic item by request. Also, the occasional traveler or merchant who happens to pass through this reclusive kingdom have been known to exchange tales or goods with the locals. A graceful, if not beautiful people, the elves of Silvermoon make up a wide variety of the faerie folk, being that their roots are not firmly entrenched to the Burneal Forest. Many centuries ago when a large host of elves left the great elven homelands of Delroth to seek out new lands for their own, a good racial mix was among the boatloads of emigrants. The first few years of hardship in a strange new land had forged a bond between the different elf clans, marring all lines dividing them from past prejudices. Although many combinations of physical appearance (i.e., hair color, eye color, skin tone, etc…) are indeed possible, they all share a few things in common. The average elf is graceful, agile, but never possess a truly muscular physique akin to perhaps a barbarian. Their eyes are narrow and almond-shaped, and they never grow facial hair of any kind. Their ears are rather on the long side, with the tips often going an inch past the tips of their skulls. Elven eyesight is much sharper than a human’s, and they are able to see exceptionally better in the dark as well. Elves can also hear much farther away than a human. Given these traits, it is no wonder why these sylvan peoples make such excellent woodsmen and hunters. Mages or clerics are not common in Silvermoon, but the few clerics who worship under the goddesses Celia and Illyantha are a boon unto the elven lands, healing any physical and spiritual wounds inflicted upon the populace. They strive always to sustain the delicate balance of light and darkness....


The kingdom of Silvermoon is made up of five villages. The capital is known as Quel’Taris. It is here where the Elder of Silvermoon dwells. It is he or she that the elves put their trust into to rule wisely and justly, and to always look out for the peoples’ best interests. The Elder is not alone in ruling, however, for he or she is often helped or guided by an Advisor chosen by the Elder. The Arch-Ranger is also known to be in close council with the Elder and the Advisor in times of trouble. Elders are chosen in many ways, such as proven courage in battle, charisma, status, or the death of the current Elder has placed the Advisor in the mantles of the new ruler.

Military Structure

Due to the machinations of their hated enemies, the trolls, the elves have been forced to remain vigilant and ever on guard. Towards this end, they have forged a well-trained army of the populace. At an early age, every male child (and a few females as well) is instructed in the basic use of the bow and sword. Should a troll raid be imminent, every citizen is expected to do their part and take up arms to repel the enemy back to their own lands. To this effect, the elves have created a fighting force that is always ready. However, the reason why the resourceful elves have always managed to stay one step ahead of their adversaries, is the employment of their elite, more skillful warriors: the rangers. Although every citizen can become a soldier at a moment’s notice, they turn in their swords and arrows for their walking sticks and pitch-forks once the fighting has been done. Not so for the ranger. Unlike most rangers throughout the world whom are reclusive by nature and are primarily guardians of their environments, then fighters, the Silvermoon rangers are bred for battle against their enemies, the trolls. They still share an intimate relationship with the forest around them, however, and are able to blend in with their environs at a moment’s notice. It is they whom tirelessly patrol the woods at night, ever vigilant against invasions from the south. During a battle they are always at the front, and are the last to fall back. Unmatched in the use of a bow, they are also versatile in the fact that they are schooled in a wide variety of weapons, including how to make one from nothing. They are excellent, above-average trackers, woodsmen, and herbalists. They are survivalists in the extreme. The most skillful ranger of Silvermoon is given the title of Arch-Ranger. It is this individual’s duty to lead the rest and guide them into battle, and to call upon them when a situation arises. He or she is also responsible for the overseeing of training hopefuls. The basic ranger group, or patrol, is consisted of anywhere from six to two dozen rangers, and also more commonly known as a cadre.