DeForest Kelley on Trekkies!

They presented me this belt buckle on my 138th birthday!

The first one (convention) I did was 1972.

Fans of Star Trek wanted to talk about Star Trek!

3,000 or 4,000 people showed up!

They had to call the fire department to let them in, in increments.

(De at his first convention!)

My favorite fan letter, I received ....

You turned me on so many times, I thought I would return the favor.

I kept that one!

We struck a note accord with the youth of this country.

It was a little sad to see De in Trekkies. He looked good here as it was filmed in 1997. I just think of how much we have lost when De passed away in June, 1999.

De loved to tell stories and no matter how many times he told a story, I would hang on every word. De was a great story teller. It was nice to hear him tell about the belt buckle and reliving the first Star Trek convention.

What a funny fan letter he received. De had a special way of telling stories. You just wanted to snuggle up next to him and listen to his stories. I truly miss him!

... particularly those from Vietnam and the hippies.

COPYRIGHT 1999 By Mary Jensen

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