Name Index
GEORGE CLINTON NORTHUP , (Nathan 11, George 10, John 9, Benjamin 8, David 7, David 6, Stephen 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Thomas 1). Born 20 March 1869, Tecumseh, Nebraska, the son of Nathan Northup and Harriet Sherlock . He died 23 September 1946 in Audubon, Iowa. Wife (1st):
MARTHA ELLA DARLAND, married 04 March 1891. Died 09 June 1921 when she was attempting to start a fire by throwing kerosene into the stove to heat wash water in the basement.
Mabel, born 06 December 1890 in Audubon, Iowa.
Ester, born October 1895.
Parker, born 27 February 1907.
Wife (2nd): EMMA JORDON, born 09 March 1898. She was the daughter of Charles Edward and Didee Myra (Carr) Jordan.
Dale Eugene, born 29 July 1925, Kansas City, Kansas.
Donald Earl, born 13 January 1927, Audubon, Iowa.
Norma Louise, born 08 January 1929, Audubon, Iowa.
Shirley Joan, born 04 December 1932, Audubon, Iowa.
Following is an article from HISTORY OF AUDUBON COUNTY IOWA 1915.
Among the worthy citizens of Audubon, Iowa, whose residence here has contributed in no small degree to the prestige of the community is George C. Northup, a member of the firm of Northup Brothers, grain and live stock dealers, of Audubon. While laboring for his own individual advancement, Mr. Northup has never forgotten his obligations to the public and his support of such measures and movements as have been made for the general good, has always been forthcoming. Although his life has been a busy one, his private affairs making heavy demands upon his time, he has never allowed it to interfere with his obligations as a citizen and neighbor. Through long years of residence in this locality, he has ever been true to the trust reposed in him, whether of a public or private nature, his reputation in a business was being unassailable. Possessing in a marked degree those sterling traits which command the confidence and regard of his neighbors and business associates, he is today, honored by all who know him and is numbered among the representative men of this section of the state. George C. Northup was born on March 20, 1869, in Johnson county, Nebraska. He is the son of Nathan and Harriet (Sherlock) Northup and a brother of H. A. Northup, whose life story is told elsewhere in this volume. George C. Northup came to Audubon county in 1881, when twelve years old and attended school in Audubon. The Northup family moved to Johnson county, Iowa in 1875. When George C. Northup had attained his majority, he began farming for himself in Douglas township on a rented farm which he operated for one year. He later rented land for one year in Leroy township and subsequently, for one year in Sac county. In the spring of 1893, he moved to Pierce county, Nebraska, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land on which he resided for six years. At the end of this period, or 1899, he sold out this farm in Pierce county, Nebraska and farmed for three years in Douglas township. He then purchased eighty acres in Cameron township and lived there for two years. At the end of this time, he purchased one hundred and sixty acres in Cameron township, on which he lived for three years. He then sold out and purchased one hundred and sixty acres in Melville township and lived on this farm for two years. In the spring of 1909, Mr. Northup moved to Audubon, the county seat of Audubon county, and here engaged in the grain and stock business with his brothers, H. A. Northup and William Northup under the firm name of Northup Brothers. This firm buys and ships to the eastern market about two hundred and forty carloads of live stock each year. The firm also buys and ships about one hundred carloads of grain each year. This is considered a large business and the Northup Brothers are known as very successful businessmen in this locality. George C. Northup was married on March 4, 1891, to Ella Darland, the daughter of I. M. Darland, one of the pioneer settlers of Audubon county. To Mr. And Mrs. George C. Northup, two children have been born, Mable, who is the wife of T. A. Moore and has one child, Fern, and Parker, seven years of age, who is at home and attending school. In politics, Mr. Northup is a Democrat. He is not identified with any church. Fraternally, he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is active in the affairs of this lodge.
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George Clinton Northup Family
Children of George Clinton Northup and MARTHA ELLA DARLAND
Mabel |
born 06 December 1890 in Audubon, Iowa. |
Ester |
born October 1895 |
Parker |
born 27 February 1907 |
Children of George Clinton Northup and EMMA JORDON
Dale Eugene |
born 29 July 1925, Kansas City, Kansas |
Donald Earl |
born 13 January 1927, Audubon, Iowa |
Norma Louise |
born 08 January 1929, Audubon, Iowa |
Shirley Joan |
born 04 December 1932, Audubon, Iowa |