Name Index
Marjorie Florence Northup was born Mar. 27, 1918 in the Balm of Gilead log cabin her Dad built on the place they called "The Forty-eight Acres" across the river from Grandpa Charles' homestead. She was the third child of Archie Ambrose and Myrtle Northup.
Daughter, Judy remembers: "Mom loved people and loved going places. She was always the last one in our family out of anyone's house, because she loved talking to them so much. At home, she spent a lot of time in the garden. We had two freezers, one for meat and one for vegetables. She filled them regularly. Every summer, we canned and froze lots of food. We bought very little because of our homegrown supplies. I loved the bedspring hammock at Grandpa's place and headed for it whenever we went over there. I also loved the antique car in the back of the place and remember sitting in it many times dreaming. Mom kept me on the straight and narrow path. With her around to be disappointed, I couldn't stray very far."
Son, Duane remembers: "The little house by Dead lake, Grampa's tobacco can. The bedspring hammock, the two wheeled cart, the wind generator and finding Grampa by the woodstove with the milk carton burned into the linoleum. Mom (Margie) was still in the kitchen. I was very young. My father never spoke highly of Archie Northup. All these years the only stories I've heard are how he worked for the REA and played a fiddle at barn dances and danced the jig. Dad said he was lazy."
Clinton Hanson was born April 6th
1915. He is living happily married to Olga ?? near Fergus Falls.
Marjorie Hanson's page is under construction. Check back soon.
Clint and Margie (Northup) Hanson Family
Children of Clint and Margie Hanson