Attendees Approval of minutes Treasurer's report Committee Reports PSIA Trip Sanctions Internet update Ski Safety Award Racing 1999 Winter Carnival 1999 Winterfest Select Tour Operator W/C 2001 Winter Carnival 2001 Select W/C T/O 2001 Winterfest 2000 Winterfest Misc Elections |
Crystal From Arlington Hall starts her 1st race Click here for Current information Minutes of spring, 1999 Meeting Holiday Inn at Solomon’s Island, MD Sunday, May 2, 1999 BRSC: Peter Porton, President; Wayne Homens, Vice President; Candy Levin, Treasurer; Nancy Cruise, Secretary; Cathy Homens, 1999 Western Carnival Coordinator; Fagowees: Stacy Hickman; S. MD: Bob Gray, Barbara Flynn, Jackie Imes; AHSC: David Lerner, Charlene Selling; Pentagon: Joel Gardner, Steve Peirce, Dave Olsen; PVS: Dina Taylor; Baltimore: Charlie Saunders, Paul Dodd, Robin Dodd; HQAFWSC: Dave Gurtner, John LaJeunesse; SCWDC: John Veen, Harry Gaskin; Columbia: Kitty Imdahl; Fredericksburg: Rae Ehlen, Jodi Ehlen, Bob Cote, Bob Schwab; Little Heiskel: Blaine Weaver, Dave Berger; OTHG: Inge Lesjak, Sam Lesjak, John Mathews; Crabtowne: Don Chase; WSI: Sam Mantis; BARS: Kate Hayes President Peter Porton called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. He introduced the executive committee, welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming to the meeting. Peter said that the Saturday portion of the weekend meeting went well, that 20 BRSC representatives and 3 tour operators participated. He said that they were considering doing a once-yearly 2-day meeting but in a more central location and letting the tour operators know more in advance of the meeting. Peter thanked Wayne for organizing the weekend meeting. Peter thanked the three tour operators (SkiCan, K&M and GTU) for their participation Approval of Minutes. Stacy Hickman moved and Wayne Homens seconded approval of the minutes. All in favor. Motion approved. Treasurer’s Report/1999-2000 Budget. The Council elected to receive the 1998-1999 financial statement and 1999-2000 Budget report together. Candy reported $3644.56 in the checking account and $3136.04 in the savings account. Candy explained that the excess in income was due to the 97-98 membership dues being deposited late, the income from the 1999 Western Carnival, and the uncashed honoraria checks that were made out to the National Ski Patrol and to the Blue Ridge Junior Racing (or PA Recreation Association). Candy asked the Council if anyone knew points of contact for the two organizations and stated she would not reissue the checks until she received correct data for the organizations. Question from Steve Pierce about what happens to left over money from the $5.00 charge per skier. Candy stated that it is up to the trip coordinator and broker to work it out on how the money gets into the treasury. Dave Olsen questioned whether the $5.00 fee is actually being added to the trip cost. Candy responded that it is suppose to be factored into the price that comes out from the broker and that the Council had approved the $5.00 fee for both Western Carnival and Winterfest. 2000 Budget: Candy explained each line item. Wayne moved that the Web Site Administration fee line item be upped $200.00. Wayne explained that the Council will incur a one-time registration fee for 2 years of $75.00 for its new domain name and will also need to move the site to a provider. Wayne amended his motion to up BRSC Web Site Administration budget line item to $250.00. Kitty Imdahl second. Question from floor on what was spent on the Web Site last year. Wayne stated that he paid the $76.00 fee because the site belonged to him. Motion was called; all in favor. Motion approved. Question from floor whether $350.00 was excessive for Council Administration. Candy explained that she still had some expenses to report for the past year; and that each mailing to the Council costs about $90.00 each and that there are two-three mailings a year. Peter moved that the BRSC President’s Off-cycle Meeting Fund be deleted from the budget; Kitty seconded. All in favor. Motion approved. Robin Dodd moved that the Honoraria for the Blue Ridge Junior Racing be left off the budget. Kitty seconded. All in favor. Motion approved. Kitty moved that the Council accept the budget with amendments. Harry Gaskin seconded. All in favor. Budget approved. Kelly Landers from Steamboat addressed the Council on the Millennium Bash and entertained questions from the floor. COMMITTEE REPORTSSki Patrol. No report. PSIA. Harry Gaskin on behalf of Mike Cavallero reported that the past year’s season went well. They only cancelled one 1-day trip. Next year they will switch bus trips to car pool trips if there aren’t enough participants for a bus. There will be eight 1-day trips and three weekend trips (Canaan, Smugglers Notch and Snowshoe). Web site address is: They will also have a 1-week trip to Grey Rocks. Trip Sanctions. Wayne Homens said he sent out e-mail to all the club contacts he had about trip sanctioning and requested that trip sanctions be sent to him electronically if at all possible. There are two summer trip sanctions, one to Buenos Aires which had already been sanctioned and one for the Fagowees. Joel Gardner talked about the trip to Buenos Aires. Stacy Hickman presented the Fagowees proposed trip sanction, White Water Rafting the New River, June 4-6. Wayne asked to have next year’s trip sanctions by the fall meeting. Peter suggested that clubs link to other clubs. Internet Update. The new BRSC web address is Wayne said he was looking for someone to host the Web Site. Wayne asked the Council whether any of the clubs would be interested in storing permanent administrative information, policies and procedures on their web site. He asked the reps to take it back to their respective clubs to see if anyone would be interested and to let him know at the fall meeting if it’s worth pursuing. Wayne said that if a club does not have a web page, he would be willing to create a page with pertinent information for a fee of $10.00. Ski Safety Award. Wayne Homens announced that the 1998 recipient of the BRSC Ski Safety Award is Mike Cavallaro, SCWDC. Racing. Dave Olsen reported that at Winter Carnival there were 285 eligible racers with 70 percent participating. Baltimore and Snow Searchers had 100 percent participation with Pentagon coming in third. Club team competition: Pentagon first, Fagowees second and Baltimore came in third. Cathy Homens, Baltimore was the fastest woman and Lance Brevard, Fagowees was the fastest man. Sonny Hill, Fagowees was the fastest rider. Sam Mantis reported that 70 people attended the WSI awards banquet, he only cancelled one race during the season, and that the schedule for next year is being worked. A list of the finalists was available. 1999 Western Carnival. Cathy Homens reported there were 303 participants and that a lot of terrific prizes were given away. Cathy thanked Dave Olsen for the great work he did on the race. All events went well. She reported no problems. 1999 Winterfest. Steve Pierce reported that 150 people participated on the Mount Tremblant Trip. Steve talked about some of the problems, one of which was the 5 or 7 day offering with clubs coming in on different days which resulted in three different welcome parties. He said that the apres-ski party was not adequate; the race was not Nastar, and for the dinner banquet the food was good, but the space was small. They had good race participation. Steve also said another problem was that the room configurations were not as anticipated. Selection of Tour Operators for 2001 Winter Carnival. Peter requested nominations from the Council for the four tour operators who will receive bid requests for the Winter Carnival. Nominations were: Any Mountain Tours, GTU, JTM, Central Holidays, Alpine Ski and Sun Holidays. Dave moved that the nominations be closed. Cathy Homens seconded. Dave amended motion that brokers be selected for the 2001 Winter Carnival. Stacy Hickman seconded. The Council tabled the motion until after lunch. 2001 Winter Carnival. Peter Porton asked for nominations for the 2001 Winter Carnival. Nominations included: Telluride, Whistler/Blackcombe, Banff/Lake Lousie, and Lake Tahoe. Harry Gaskin moved to close nominations. Seconded from floor. All in favor. The Council tabled the motion for selection of 2001 Winter Carnival until after lunch. Columbia volunteered to host the fall meeting, September 26, 1999. The Council broke for lunch and reconvened. 2001 Winter Carnival. Dave Olsen moved that the Council narrow selections to two resorts. Don Chase seconded. All in favor. Motion Approved. Peter polled the Council. Vote results: Telluride - 29; Whistler/Blackcombe -15; Banff - 6; Lake Tahoe - 7. The two resorts chosen were Telluride and Whistler/Blackcombe. Selection of Tour Operators for 2001 Winter Carnival. Don Chase recommended that SkiCan be added to the vendor nomination list. Discussion followed on pros/cons of SkiCan; e.g., exclusive use of Air Canada, provides on-site representative, etc. Dave Olsen suggested that the Council make it requirement of the bid that the broker provide an on-site representative. Discussion followed on the on-site rep requirement and the different brokers nominated. Peter polled the Council. Vote results: Any Mountain – 14; K&M – 33; GTU – 23; JTM – 17; Alpine S&S – 2; Central Holidays – 19; SkiCan – 16. The four vendors selected were: K&M, GTU, Central Holidays, and JTM. 2001 Winterfest. Peter asked for nominations for site of 2001 Winterfest. Resorts nominated: Snowshoe for Sun-Fri; Canaan for a regular weekend; Snowshoe for a regular weekend. Discussion followed on whether to do a long weekend or a mid-week or just a weekend. Other nominations: Ski 93 for 4 days; Scranton/Elk/Montage for 4 days, Sugarloaf for 5 days. Stacy Hickman moved that the Council decide on the length of the trip; Charlie Saunders seconded. The Council agreed to reduce the resorts to top two. Peter polled the Council on the length of the trip. Vote results: 3-day trip – 3, 4-day trip – 24, 5-day trip – 5. The format selected was a 4-day trip. Peter polled the Council for the top two resorts. Vote results: Snowshoe – 0; Canaan – 5; Sugarloaf - 19; Elk/Montage – 24; Ski 93 – 21. The top two resorts selected were Elk/Montage and Ski 93. Peter asked for volunteers to coordinate the 2001 Winter Carnival and the 2001 Winterfest. 2000 Winterfest. Peter announced Leo St. Jean declined to coordinate the 2000 Winterfest and that Steve Peirce volunteered to be the coordinator. Peter asked for other volunteers for 2000 Winterfest. Dave Olsen called for the question of whether or not to require an on-site representative at the Western Carnival. Discussion followed. Dave Olsen moved that the BRSC make it a requirement in the bid that the tour operator have an on site representative to be there as early as the arrival of the first club and stay throughout the duration of the event. Seconded by Stacy Hickman. Discussion followed. Wayne called for the vote. All in favor 22; opposed 11; motion carried. Peter said he would be attending the National Ski Council Federation meeting in August in Park City and that he would report the results at the fall BRSC meeting. Stacy Hickman reported on the Eastern Regional Ski Conference Meeting at Mount Snow. Dave Lerner, AHSC, announced that the Arlington Hall Ski Club had voted to disband. Peter Porton asked for nominations from the floor for the positions of BRSC Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Wayne moved that the Council elect the current officers, Wayne Homens for Vice President, Candy Levin for Treasurer and Nancy Cruise for Secretary by acclimation. Sam Mantis seconded. All in favor. Motion approved; the current officers were reelected by acclimation. Peter moved that Steve Peirce be designated as Assistant Treasurer to transition with Candy to take over Treasurer position in 2 years. Seconded. All in favor. The Council broke into workshops and was subsequently adjourned with a motion from Nancy Cruise and a second from Wayne Homens.
Wayne R. Homens Webmaster Blue Ridge Ski Council Copyright © 2000 Blue Ridge Ski Council. All rights reserved. Revised: August 12, 2000 |