Blue Ridge Ski Council logo  

 This is the Blue Ridge Ski Council (BRSC) Homepage:


Member Clubs of BRSC
BRSC Officers

Do you ski?  Do you enjoy ski trips?  Then you have found a good place to Start.   

The Blue Ridge Ski Council is an organization of member Ski Clubs Throughout the Mid-Atlantic States. We meet twice a year to discuss topics of concern to ski clubs and their members.  There are links to ski clubs in this site as well as information on ski trip packages.  Blue Ridge Ski Council is a member of the National Ski Council Federation.  Please spend some time and browse around the site.  If you are in a hurry and are looking for Ski Trips, please click HERE 

As the Blue Ridge Ski Council continues to grow. We have one goal in mind, we intend to use our magnitude of skier population to enhance and enrich the sport of skiing.


September 23th, 2000 Semi annual Meeting   information/registration 

Register your club with BRSC   


Below are sites and Links that have made this site possible - or have helped spread the word.
Please take some time to visit them.

Friends of BRSC

Yahoo link to Cheap Skiing forum

DC Ski - ski info for the DC metropolitan area

Ski Tips the Online Ski School

Western PA Ski Council link

North Penn Ski Club

Snow Ski Club Reference site

GOSKI reference site

Ski Central

Wayne R. Homens
Blue Ridge Ski Council

Copyright © 2000 Blue Ridge Ski Council. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 11, 2000

Blue Ridge Ski Council, Ski Trips, Ski Councils, Baltimore Ski Club, Ski Club of Washington DC, SCWDC, Columbia Ski Club, Pentagon Ski Club, Richmond Ski Club, Fagowee Ski Club, Arlington Hall Ski Club, Air Force Ski Club, Discount Ski Trips, Skiing, Skis, Blue Ridge, National Federation of Ski Councils, Black Ski, Over the Hill Gang, OTHG, BSC, PSC, BRSC, Ski School, Ski Colorado, Ski Utah, Ski California, Ski Jackson Hole, Crabtowne Skiers, Maryland, DC, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Southern MD, Crabtowne Skiers, CSC, Vail, Aspen, ski links, BRSC, winter, fun, ski week, 2001