
June 29, 2000

People search all their lives for that person.
The one they were born to be with,
Meant to be with.
To love and be loved by
People search for that person to fill their 
proverbial heart, make them whole, complete being 
of a human
Complete emotions that make life worth living.
The sun looks cheerier in the morning even as it 
rises behind
gray because They are there in their form:
physically, soulfully, spiritually there.
The mind creates - if not present and the sweetest 
of words are 
spoken through kisses between
During my comparatively few years searching - which 
has felt and
I've been fortunate enough to discover that one 
person in this
crazy world who cares....make myself complete.
Through trials and tribulations, 
deaths and births, 
victories and failures,
it has always been one person that always truly loved me
and I can now return it since I've woken up to the to 
the plainness
of it all.  Sadly, as is usually my case - it was too 
late and I'm
led to feel used  but loved.  Loved and hated.  Hated 
and despised, but still loved.  It's the most ironic, 
baffling feeling ever experienced.  The moving on 
process must be initiated before
I am led further in to the woods, blindly hoping.  
But now that all is lost, acceptance is my next step.  
Sleep to dream, go to
hell, you lied.  You never loved me.  
I'm done, you lost the 
love of your life.

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